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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. 1 hour ago, NextG said:

    How does he know what will happen to it? 
    Personally I would give things that didn’t invite misappropriation. 

    This borders on clinical paranoia.


    You need to lead a 100% risk-free life. You shouldn't ever buy a toaster, lest the guarantee that comes with it doesn't pan out if it breaks.


    How indeed, does anyone know for absolute sure that any donation is going anywhere? What's to stop these evil miscreants from re-selling the rice? 


    What are the odds that this micro-charity is a bunch of thieves and that just goes on and on for years? The odds are tiny. Get a grip.


    Again, OP, you're a lovely person. 

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1


    It's not available too many places. Got mine at The Fa Lanna Spa in Chiang Mai. My wife reads a lot of spa menu's and can't recall seeing it elsewhere in Thailand. I might do it again out of further curiosity, if I was staying next to the spa again.


    Fa Lanna Spa had other stuff like being kneaded with a bamboo stick or having little widgets hammered in between your shoulder blades. There's a 5-hour program where you study trad dance in between various rubs and ancient treatments. More cultural than physical in benefit.





    Whether these things are hype or not, the people who study them are very serious and dedicated. My Reiki person lives in a Reiki commune.


    wish I could find proper shiatsu here. Someone mentioned such a person at The Meridian Hotel, but they didn't know them at the spa.


    It cost me 2,000 baht for the full Reiki hour. Make fun of me.

  3. 1 hour ago, Surasak said:

    As you appear to be the all knowing one, may I suggest you look a little closer to the use of the charity you give.

    You are fronting your pub bore bitterness as savvy wisdom when you are in fact 100% content-free.


    Do you have any anecdotes to share of tiny charities skimming cash?


    I'm going to go with: Duh. No.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Surasak said:

    Giving cash is a sure way to ensure the children will not see much of it, although the staff will appreciate you generosity.

    I don't have your gift of all-knowing, cynical clairvoyance.


    Everyone else in the universe but you thinks that giving money to charity is a good idea.

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 hour ago, mamypoko said:

    As the youth of today say...You ROCK! 

    Def agree. It's a lovely thing to do. To answer your question, I'd buy the nicer rice, BUT:


    I always give money. It's the universal gift certificate, good in any store.


    A charity is always short of cash. It may be less satisfying to give cash to their general fund instead of imagining those winsome urchins enjoying your gift -but it will be much more appreciated than any specific thing you might give them.

    • Like 2
  6. Menopause: they put on weight, they have hot flashes, they go a little mad. 


    I can def see trading down age-wise, but after 60, you're going to start running out of pre-meno bed-candidates. 


    I noticed today at the buffet that all the female hugs I got were def of the side-hug variety. The ship has sailed.

  7. Love your deep dives into forgotten writers.


    Thomas Wolfe (I prefer Tom Wolfe as a writer) had that dense, overwritten style that today's readers cannot bear. As he said to Hemingway, "You're a taker outer, I'm a putter in-er." Like fellow genius's Faulkner and Steinbeck, his is a world where the various American regions were starkly different from each other.


    If bad luck ever brings you to Asheville, NC, his home is as crammed as his books.



  8. Since you like oldies, I go with the ancient brit version of Christmas Carol. Alistair Simms -never bettered in the Scrooge role.


    In the black and white era, the set lighting of scenes was a great art. As this trailer shows, this is one of the best lit film in film-dom.




    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:



       You need to forget about getting a human female partner and get yourself a dog 

    I think of it more as an intimacy mismatch.


    But time is the enemy of the would-be cuddlers. As women get older, a lot of them are on the change of life and being held by you feels like being chained to a furnace.


    If you gotta cuddle, I can see getting one on the side who's still young enough to bear it. Male cuddlers outnumber women cuddlers by about 73 to 1.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    But in many cases, the elephant in the room is that you are just housemates

    I agree -barring a sleep disorder problem. This thread is about those people. But there may be other issues at play.


    Sleeping apart or a partner withdrawing in other ways may be a sign of disengagement. The relationship is being re-written covertly (and possibly even unconsciously) without the offended partner's consent.


    Maybe they feel powerless or are non-confrontational and this is their loophole to be at least a little free of you. Possibly, a sleep disorder is used as an excuse to withdraw. 'Def worth looking for other signs of sick-of-you. 


    If she's checked out, her insomnia's realness is moot. And as Fruity says, if she's continuing to enjoy the benefits of the old relationship while edging into a new version that you don't like, that's unfair.


    97% of the time, if you think that is what's going on, it is.

  11. 2 hours ago, Elkski said:

    Had an American woman tell me early 9n in talks on a dat8ng site.   "I cant sleep in the same bed with anyone "

    I politely told her that wont work. Bye. 

    Have a buddy who says his rule is she is naked in bed. 

    Why is that a hard no for you?  Sleep disorders are a real thing. Women suffer them at twice the rate of men. Why'd the internet date lady say no to sharing a bed?


    Screwing with someone's sleep is prob worse than screwing with their diet. Asking people to go with out sleep is like asking them to go without insulin.


    Is it an intimacy issue for you? I sense it may be for your nude-insisting friend. Making people do what they don't want to is def an intimacy inhibitor.


    You also have the 100% right to want what you want.



  12. 8 minutes ago, smallchungus said:

     just moving way further out from cities in the US.

    I moved here from Appalachia. No GF pay day there for you, partic with your fat phobia. Hope you love Jesus.


    The problem may not be geography. It may just be down to You-ology.

  13. 43 minutes ago, smallchungus said:

    Chiang Mai when the air is good would be my dream location, but having to move out every year during smoke season is just too much of a hassle to deal with every year.

    I live in CM, and I do have to vacate my apartment for 2 months a year and either go traveling or chill out in Hua Hin. But I love Chiang Mai at the level where it's worth it.


    I'd rather be super-happy for 10 months a year here than so-so happy elsewhere for 12 months a year. If you're not a beach lover, CM is really the only expat game in town.


    And full of mixed race Thai's, who sort of run the town, who will be a better fit for you. Plus a sizable Christian community because you like 'em trad. A whitie Christian can date a Christian 10 here. 


    This isn't another life-plan where THEY have to be super trad and you're more like trad-lite, is it?  Because those logic-defying schemes comically blow up 100% of the time.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 19 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    'One can almost be 98% certain that a question like this comes from an American at all times lol.

    There is a trope here that Americans ONLY want to talk about money and how much they have.


    And that they will not shut up about how cheap healthcare is here (OK, that part is true).


    Excuse me, I have to go and prevent a German from hogging a sun bed.

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