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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. A casino seems likely in 5 years. That will swamp the white man out by his Chinese and Indian brothers pretty much for good.


    The pretty girls will go where the money is. Sex workers will proportionately less Thai. Expect more Madagascar beauty pageants on Beach Road.


    The honky tonk aspect will always be a money maker akin to downtown Vegas, where a bit of the old beach bar vibe will continue on for the oldies and the cheapies. They'll prob have to walk a little further to find it.



  2. 10 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I was just watching Steve Rosse old farang YouTuber




    Steve goes back to the early Stickman days and has lots of long ago witty essays in the readers contribution section. Met him; super-guy.


    I live on a very instagrammed corner. I see people taking pics several times a day. No interest in it myself.


    Nimman1 Mall has a couple of arches with many little lights. It's rare not to see a Jap-couple photoing each other in front of them. A giant plastic durian statue is another must-photo for Chinese vacationers. Often they are amusingly posing like they're holding their noses.


    This person has a rare talent for Thai architectural pics:



  3. Hotel rates are up by a third since the spring. Grabcab fares about the same. Eating out, at least 20% more. Christmas and the 3 weeks after it will be huge.


    Nimman completely packs out on the weekends, with many Bangkok people flying up for the the EDM raves that happen every weekend out in the sticks. I went to one; it's like The Beach circa '96. All nationalities partying together, more mushrooms than MDMA.


    The Chinese have been light here of late, but they were def back in force for the lantern festival. They're big ravers too.


    Relatedly, a friend just got back from Pai and said the walking street was wall to wall people. In the middle of the week. Even Chiang Dao is a bit busy.

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    She does have a good friend when in Australia - my thai ex wife. 


    To add to your comment above - with the interweb and gyms at resorts and lots of restaurants etc  it somewhat gives you a place to be other than the beach. 

    You're living my nightmare. But if it works.....


    Prob not a good idea, mental health-wise, to consider the internet as a "place" that you go to. Partic when you are otherwise very idle.

  5. I go to the Jett Gym chain. They have daily classes (called Kombat) that are OK for all fitness levels.


    I researched the various fitness "camps" in Phuket and found them to be expensive for what you get and not that great in terms of trainers and facilities (often, no AC).


    I had a private training session at Jett's Gym and found it impossible to complete the hour. It's a huge stress on the hips. As an old, out of shape person, low impact exercise is much better for you.


    Alternately, when I was staying in Pai, there were a few oldies taking classes that were much modified for tourists. Most were happy with it No contact except for hitting a giant pillow.


    One on one Muay Thai classes start at 1,500 baht an hour. You'd have to train for about a year first to get much out of one.

  6. On 12/2/2023 at 10:18 PM, mrwebb8825 said:

    butt munches:tongue:


    Finally, a monger with a vision and a plan. Sir, I salute you.


    Problem: They've seen plenty of your game-type before. And you're new to the rodeo. I don't see how you keep the plates spinning without regular cash infusions. In which case, game over.


    I have a 52 year old friend with a similar problem in America. He'd like to have 3-4 monogamous relationships a year via Tinder. The percentage of 40-52 year old women who think similarly is bumping along zero, And the rare few who on that same page have plenty of better options.


    Game that worked for him even 2 years ago is now falling on deaf ears. The women have gotten shrewder from being strung along by his smarmy ilk and he has no further game to bring to bear to offset that.


    His solution: Go fatter. They've been passed over, so have been less gamed.


    I hope this is helpful to your noble mission, which I 100% support.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, save the frogs said:


    Ok, then it makes perfect sense to bring up The Trumpster in this discussion.


    I catch your drift. 



    It's the cruise demographic that kills the cruise as an entertainment option. It's like being trapped with GeorgieGeorgia in a small space.


    That and going to very interesting Carib islands and seeing only fake villages selling fake diamonds. I did a cruise and could discern no diff between fake Haiti and fake Jamaica.


    Tho fair play, the old guys playing music at the fake Haitian buffet on the fake Haitian beach were killer. It turned out they were Tabou Combo, who are the equivalent of being the Haitian Beatles. Did anyone even bother to look up from their hamburgers?

  8. 4 minutes ago, bignok said:

    No mention of a fight. I was planning on a beer.



    As a certifiable retard, it is your privilege to run away from yet another comically veiled threat.


    How many of these retard-blustery he-man moves  have you made here?


    I'm going going to put the number at about 6. What gets into you?

    • Like 1
  9. I don't have the wisdom to glean between people with real problems and the people who have made-up problems, so I don't try.


    If they say they have a problem, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Or just go along with what is usually their self-diagnosis that seems to suit what they want to do anyway.


    It's just easier to treat the fake-crazy and the real-crazy the same. If they don't go on and on about it, we can be friends.


    I get off the train when they start to diagnose others. Narcissism affects merely the tiniest sliver of the world, and yet every third person claims to have been massively affected by it. If I disagree with them and they tell me I'm gaslighting, as a "toxic" person, it's time to hard-next them.


    A lot of people who say they're depressed are simply unhappy. A shrink can't cure unhappiness. That said, I know a fair few depressed people who are alive today due to antidepressants. That women over 40 are the big users makes me sad.


    I am def skeptical about the out of nowhere epidemic of ADHD. I have taken those people's drugs recreationally and loved them, partic when mixed with pot.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    But with a nice girlfriend I can get into the routine fairly easily. 


    Perhaps the trickiest, thorniest life style enhancer to line up.


    My long ago time on Ko Chang often had a guy move into the hut next to me with a girlfriend du jour. I'd ask to move or check out.


    That lady wants to be back with her friends, not trapped with horny, bored Farang Curuso and nothing to do. Loud fighting ensuing no later than the morning of day 2.

    • Haha 1
  11. 14 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    drugs might help

    If you can't make a structure for yourself and stick to it, that's where you're headed. Say what you will about booze and drugs, they are very effective and wonderful time fillers.


    Prob not even one person in a hundred can live an un-externally motivated, unstructured life happily or productively (me neither). In a place where everyone else is either adrift or on vacation (means: temporarily very happy adrift), motivation and traction will be hard to find.


    Since I moved to Chiang Mai 15 months ago, I've done about a third of what I thought I might do. So a fair bit better than average.


    But on a less stimulating, less stuff to do-place like the beach?  The people who don't go mad there came with a purpose like yoga-teaching or having a business. The golfers here take some stick, but showing up for the golf game is a very useful way to structure your day or week.

  12. Typically, it's our standing res. at Umai Sushi, about 100 steps away from our Nimman condo. Pop in around 3, kill a bottle of sake, that's my booze for the week. It's a good day for the gym first, past 1 PM, there might be half a dozen people there.


    This last Sunday, we tried to see the Napoleon film, but it was booked out. They were offering 5 oysters for 1,500 baht at an average-ish Jap restaurant on the top floor of Central Festival Mall. J-oysters are the best in the world, and never less than 300 baht per, piece but at a chain restaurant the mall, we were skeptical.


    In fact, those oysters were almost fist-sized, properly briny, covered in monkfish liver and passable caviar. It was hard to eat them all. Almost too much to  bear.

  13. 4 hours ago, save the frogs said:


    this is a thread about cruise ships man!

    Agreed. I had a funny bit about Black Trumpers, so I tossed it out. Black Trumpers would be the supreme example of turkeys voting for Christmas. En masse, on a boat? Def some hilarity to be had.


    My larger point remains: Cruisers are mostly hidebound, drunken dullards (of all political stripes, but mostly rightward). They are led by the nose by staff to buy stuff at Cruise-owned stores. They tell them that buying $40 tee shirts will "create memories". So black, white, Trash or not, they are just too stupid to live.


    The number one reason people give for cruising is "to meet people". So we're talking about the biggest collection of Johnny No-Mates on earth. 


    Upside, lots of fatties traveling together. Send one to the ice cream soft serve station, and shag the other. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 13 hours ago, QuantumQuandry said:

    Is Penang actually cheaper than Pattaya, per the list?

    Looked in last Oct. Nicer apartments for about a quarter less. Food about the same. Booze too. Medium bad traffic, but you wouldn't leave your little enclave much.


    Prob: The Muslim thing -not that I think they're terrorists, just that they are def. lacking in the sanuk department. They are crazy-friendly; I prefer the more medium-cool Thais.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, bignok said:

    That's a good thing. Most of the bad farangs go there.



    You are prone to dissing places for not being what you want, when such places are super-explicit that they're not what you want.


    I'm more a neurotic weigher. "I could live in Ekkamai in a heartbeat, BUT.......


    If you can only pick 3 attributes, and then you HAVE to live in that place, what are the 3 attributes?


    I listed mine above.

    • Like 1
  16. 22 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    I thought Pratumnak or  Wongamat or maybe a quiet offstreet in the main centres but walking distance to the shops 

    Thanks for the recco's. I've spent maybe 2 hours in The Dark Side, long ago. A proper survey of Pattaya awaits. The outliers like Jomptien etc. also makes the short list of such places.


    My superficial takeaway is that Pattaya is basically smaller Miami on a budget. 'Can't fault it.


    Having a mix of walkability, gym, and idiosyncratic restaurants means being adjacent to a tourist zone. Thai people alone can't keep a vegan-only Mexican restaurant open.


    In Nimman, I'm a poor prospect for buying a Durian ice cream cone, but a place like that will also have six different ethnicity restaurants on either side of it.


    Some people move to Thailand for cheap sex. We moved here for cheap sushi.



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