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Everything posted by EchoPlus

  1. I don't care. Only a few letters difference. Could almost be an anagram.
  2. Not what I've witnessed but maybe I'm biased. I don't have any solid data on this so... :)
  3. Extreme cases don't have the money nor the mental health to organize and leave. Choosing expatriation requires a certain level of wealth.
  4. Not everything is about money or purchase power. Most people want to stay in the place they call home. You need a peculiar mindset to go die in a country where most people don't even speak your language, infrastructure sucks and your family ain't around. Most people retiring in Thailand are in a way or another, deep down inside, sad and lonely individuals. I mean no disrespect. It's just the truth.
  5. Israel is at war. Israeli tourists are cancelling their trips. Really? How surprising. This is really priceless journalism. Bookmarking PBS channel now.
  6. Thailand is securing cheap access to primary resources. Smart move.
  7. The right-wing, totally corrupted, incompetent Israeli gov is done. Bibi is gonna go to jail after this.
  8. Just watched Summer Time Rendering. Pretty good. Now I need something else. Any suggestions ?
  9. Probably linked to what's going on in Israel-Palestine right now. Muslims stick together alright...!
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