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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Shares rose 5% to $18
  2. Why are the extreme right wing? Do they work 23 hours a day?
  3. He is likely to win. Harris can't even win some left wing polls.
  4. Which hotels?
  5. Those guys are exceptions. Only one in a million are super smart. Most people are muppets.
  6. Most Bobs are dead. Old name.
  7. You do realise their might be 100 Colin Nevilles
  8. https://www.933thedrive.com/2024/09/01/kremlin-spokesman-says-harris-is-more-predictable-than-trump/
  9. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt-to-gdp https://www.worldeconomics.com/GrossDomesticProduct/Debt-to-GDP-Ratio/Russia.aspx
  10. He might have went to phi phi a lot.
  11. Go to places low class people don't go.
  12. https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/gdp-growth-annual https://www.worldeconomics.com/GrossDomesticProduct/Debt-to-GDP-Ratio/Russia.aspx
  13. Russia is doing better than the US with less debt. US is amongst the top 10 worst debt nations and all I see is nonsense talk. Trump winning and getting Elon to advise on debt reduction is a good thing. The best way forward.
  14. Fair call. I usually get quiet rooms down the end. The weirdest room i had was on the top floor and the lift ran 1 short followed by a long walk plus stairs. Then it rained all night couldnt sleep.
  15. I never look at star ratings as they mean nothing in Thailand. Just look reviews, price, photos and location. I have stayed in 4 star hotels that were no better than 2 star. Bit of a joke really. The most things are size, shower quality, price, breakfast and location.
  16. Looks like Europe
  17. Try 1 star then buy yourself 10 donuts
  18. So if a 20yo stays in an 8000 baht room the real cost is 8000 x 88 = 704,000 baht
  19. Better results.
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