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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. 10 bars down to 7 Jobs cut by 818,000 No big deal you say
  2. Biden 33 year loser. After 3 years the Dems tell him to depart.
  3. Trump wins debates. Destroyed the last 2 Dems. Kamala is running scared.
  4. Classy aren't they. No facts to support them. 818,000 fake jobs just disappereared.
  5. Their rates are ok. I only use Krungsri cause they give 30k.
  6. I would do that. Fox is the no 1 rating network.
  7. Website with links to major banks https://www.9pyinfo.com/en/exchange/
  8. Do you answer yes or no to their exchange rate offer which includes a 5% fee? Always answer no.
  9. Harris supporters live in Pattaya condos.
  10. Kennedy can't win unless he joins GOP or Dems. They wouldn't want him.
  11. Still living in your head. 2500 time winner living rent free.
  12. Germany is an ally now. Their army was massive in ww2. Europe needs to sort itself out. Been 79 years since ww2.
  13. Who support her
  14. Germany, France and UK combined can't beat Russia? Ukraine alone is nearly beating them. Let Europe fund it.
  15. Oprah loved Trump before.
  16. Better to stay home. No money or soldiers. Europe's problem.
  17. Trump can't run in 2028, be too old and can't run 3 times. Kennedy isnt going to win in 2028 as independent.
  18. Wall better than giving money to Ukraine
  19. 818,000 less jobs means the job market is weaker than previously thought If you think you have 10 gold bars in a safe and only find 7 that is not good news. So more disinformation from you.
  20. http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net/default.aspx
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