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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Awful speech.
  2. My hero is Eastwood. Trump would be ranked top 100m.
  3. Show me a list of poll names. Cant find it on their dodgy website.
  4. Tell that to Ukraine.
  5. You are there now.
  6. Wars Inflation Rising Unemployment Border chaos What a mess
  7. Socialists - one rule for them. Another for others.
  8. Trump destroyed Clinton in 2nd debate.
  9. This is the political soap box section.
  10. They only include left wing skewed polls.
  11. He posts facts. Sad is someone who posts trash.
  12. Not after winning twice. Trump is winning 2024.
  13. Bailed out by Obama?
  14. https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447
  15. 16 Democrats say that.
  16. How childish.
  17. Funny how none of your comments address rising unemployment or high inflation.
  18. Harris looks toast. Can't do interviews. Losing the swing states. Trump has improved in the last 3 months of campaigns.
  19. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-fragile-legacy-of-barack-obama/ Obama was all talk
  20. He is a troll. Lives in Isaan. Has no hobbies.
  21. I think the whole weight loss thing is a scam. Warren Buffet is fat and 93. Just eat enough vitamins and minerals.
  22. https://blog.cheapism.com/what-presidents-are-worth/ You have a lot to learn
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