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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. I ate an 600g steak. Did not fill me up. 300g steak and potatoes would be better.
  2. 1 burger and water is an ok meal. Especially if you say no sauce. Meat, salad and bread is not bad.
  3. Nobody likes Harris. DEI pick. Independents are falling Trump's way in swing states.
  4. Last 3 Penns polls all +1 Trump.
  5. Fox News +8 Rassmussen +1 The average was perfect. The current average of those two has Trump winning.
  6. 10 out of last 13 polls in 2020 were skewed left.
  7. Lol Most polls are skewed left wing. Rasmussen is the only one right. Averaging 5 left wing polls gives you a left wing average
  8. https://nypost.com/2024/08/20/us-news/rfk-jrs-running-mate-says-they-are-considering-dropping-out-to-join-forces-with-trump/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost Interesting
  9. https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states
  10. The guy would fail a basic economics test. I hate Trump 16 hours a day. Great political analysis.
  11. 1987 crash was caused by portfolio trading programs. GFC was caused by Clinton policies. Covid crisis was caused by China. For a guy who spends 16 hours a day being obsessed over politics you sure don't know much.
  12. Even their supporters can't think of an original idea.
  13. Teleprompter Harris. No idea about any of her "own" policies.
  14. Invented many decades ago.
  15. Only a fool gets excited by a scripted speech.
  16. With the scripted speeches? Always the case. Only a fool would be impressed with fake speeches.
  17. Truth hurts. Harris is an empty vessel and total puppet.
  18. Up to voters to vote out pathetic Dems. We hate Trump is all these losers have.
  19. The hopeless one has Obama with his hand in the right spot for a 4th term.
  20. Running for his 4th term.
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