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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Healthy food is nonsense? Yeah ok. Its not about Trump. Must be nonsense.
  2. US was ok pre 2000. Bush wars. Obama talking too much. Biden no idea. Harris will be worse, both wars and no idea. Trump was the only good one.
  3. Great English. Thank you for educating me.
  4. Biden was the weird one with kids
  5. Great analysis of policies once again. Amazing.
  6. Yes, I just proved they did well under Trump. Thanks for bringing up the topic and proving Trump superior.
  7. Did great with Trump. Poorly with others. https://usafacts.org/topics/economy/state/california/
  8. Newsum ruined California. Typical Democrat.
  9. Great English from you. Thanks for the amazing policy analysis.
  10. Going backwards. Too many wars, too many ridiculous ideas.
  11. Only 1 side talks policies. Typical.
  12. Trump gave them to everyone. Creates jobs.
  13. I see you have a high level of communicating. Most people look at policies. Not you.
  14. Do they have matching clown shoes?
  15. Enjoy the 20% inflation. You voted for it.
  16. Shows how sick the left are. Weirdos.
  17. 5,000 illegals a day is good policy? No. Bad like most Biden plans. Enjoy the 10% inflation.
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