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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. She is a complete idiot
  2. Every normal person likes Trump.
  3. You are 69 and do nothing all day. Whingeing about Trump isnt exercise.
  4. Not in Bangkok yet then hey
  5. Or fake war zone people and fake vps
  6. Russians prefer to speak Russian.
  7. So normal people are all Russians now. Are you Hillary? So lame
  8. https://www.thestreet.com/lifestyle/warren-buffett-s-junk-food-diet-has-gotten-him-to-87-should-you-follow-it-14289574
  9. She 30 second interviews then runs away
  10. Then why start a topic about it? It is none of your business either
  11. He has made 50 posts on this topic telling a computer screen how much smarter he is because he supports a woman with no skills and unfunded policies.
  12. 15 pages of I'm smarter than you.
  13. Very ordinary along with Walz. Nothing impressive about either one. Walz claims to be a war hero as a part timer.
  14. He does not understand why regular people want Trump back. Basic economics. Everything was much cheaper.
  15. Obviously you have no idea about economics. Why you support Harris the wrecker.
  16. Democrats represent the elites. They don't care for the poor.
  17. All an act. All actors for big pharm and black rock.
  18. Trump is respectful to kids. Biden sniffs hair.
  19. Walk into bank ask them would be the plan. Hang up if anyone calls you.
  20. Everyone is waiting for a debate.
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