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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. Standalone forums - especially niche forums - are going to be harder and harder to grow. Communities these days are build on (or with the help of) social platforms. Dismissing Facebook, Twitch or Discord just because anyone can manage a page, a channel or a server is a mistake imo. As far as I know what matters to build a successful community is reach and engagement. Scaling your reach via this forum alone is gonna be tough af imo. Usually this is done by combining marketing campaigns, social medias and a solid ecosystem of partners. As for engagement it's all about content. AN is a forum, it's also a news feed, it could be a white label shop, a video feed, some sort of occasional live stream... That said, my take isn't worth much as I have no idea where you wanna go with this website from here on :))
  2. My lord, those f$cking people....
  3. Bignok is too busy on AN to read at all imo. And he plays didgeridoo.
  4. @bignok is an aboriginal Australian. He travels from town to town with his didgeridoo as companion. Next stop: Korat. You will find him playing on markets for pad thai money.
  5. Self-help book level BS lol
  6. A waste would mean that it could have been put to good use. I don't really think that's possible. At the end of the day, life is one big stimulus. Drive is everything, all the rest is narrative. As long as you find enough new stuff to keep you going, you're good. Otherwise you get bored af. The reason why so many people are so invested in their work. Take it away from them and they don't exist anymore. Pretty pathetic, yet so true....
  7. Lots of farangs in Pai. Lot of pie in farangs. But why?
  8. Franchise life you mean. You are a franchise. I am a franchise. Even that poor George guy trying to figure out a way to moderate his forum is a franchise. We're all franchising day and night. It never stops....
  9. The paradox of modernity and hyper connectivity. More prosperous lives that are kinda empty and boring. Life takes on a repeat faster and faster. Technology is to blame.
  10. Not as much as Korat is boring though. Gotta admit.
  11. So you are an australian of german french scandinavian descent ?
  12. And how about Germans, Frenchs, Scandinavians...?
  13. I feel sorry for Google.
  14. Like what ? Yanks are expressive and Brits blunt ? How about Australians ?
  15. I think moderation is fantastic now. There is none. People interact based on affinities. Of course you'll still find the usual thought police telling you want you can and can't say or think. But overall, it's much better when people are free to be who they are. Pretty weird not to get banned for trivial reasons anymore... I bet it must be a relief for mods too btw. It's so peaceful now...
  16. Such bs when you compare that process to what is needed to get a visa for Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia. I agree no booking, no flights and I would go as far as to say no financial checkup. The flights are especially annoying if you wanna move to a neighboring country by bus or train. Thai tourist visa policies are a total fail. It annoying to be forced a camera up the cheesecake to have the right to visit a third world country.
  17. <deleted>, you sure are determined. Have you tried to locate them on Grab ?
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