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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. Nope. Earth's rotation doesn't govern time. Time is a human construct and is governed by human imagination. (not to be confused with time as understood in "space-time") Time has been measured using the properties of an chemical element called caesium. It has been so since the sixties and the first caesium clocks. Before that, time was measured using pendulums. If earth's rotation governed the march of time, then spinning earth the other way around would make us travel back in time and spinning it faster would propel us to the future...
  2. Agreed
  3. Gays for hamburgers are like cows for Trump... Gays for cows are like Trump for hamburgers...... ......... 🤔
  4. shît happens. Especially with gay people 😄
  5. - "Pita?" - "Kraaap!" - "Turn it on!" - "Kraaaaaaaaap!"
  6. All the money will eventually go to corrupted officials... They will end up building a wooden plant with what is left 😄
  7. Not yours for sure. You don't have any 😄
  8. I don't even understand half of what they're talking about 😄 Transgender military ban: sounds like a privilege Work place discrimination protection: don't know what those protections are Trans healthcare protection: don't know what this is Define gender as male and female: sounds reasonable and inline with science Ban gender affirming programs for minors: leave the children be DEI ban: Don't know what DEI means irl Stop the teaching of race and racism - Races don't exist but the more you put focus on racism the more you divide people. CRT is divisive and kinda dumb Conservative for sure but fascist....??? Words have a meaning. It's true for "man", "woman" and "fascism". Just my 2 cents here of course. It seems to me Trump is just a ruthless business man. He doesn't really care who's gay or whatever. He wants unregulated capitalism and merciless order for the haves to be able to keep fµcking people in the a$$ with no consequences. I don't think he is a fascist. He is "just" a cold-blooded cynical aristocrat defending the system he benefits from - which honestly has been the system in place in the West for centuries now.
  9. Install plugins on your browser to do what you wanna do. Adblocker Downloader etc...
  10. My thoughts to all the retirees who thought Thailand would be a retirement paradise 😄
  11. Her character is a toddler (well at least the brain of one) in a woman's body.
  12. @spidermike007 Just watched 30-40 minutes of Poor Things. What a boring uninspired degenerated remake of Frankenstein... I stopped right after the scene where the woman with a child's brain shoves a cucumber up her vagina. Enough with this weird pedo garbage 😄 (Visuals are nice though) Gonna try the other one now...
  13. Ok I'll give those two a try. Thanks 👍
  14. In a shop. Hope this helps.
  15. Not happy with my link ? How about you use your favorite search engine to fact check by yourself like a big boy ? Or you're too dumb for that?
  16. Thousands of sources online. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/@smiuq/videos Simon Michaux lecture is pretty interesting. He is an Associate Professor of Geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland, with a PhD in mining engineering. I hope it fits the bill when it comes to expert. Now go suck a fat one.
  17. The entire EV industry is one big scam. It is bound to fail due to the lack of resources anyway. Most experts agree, yet nobody seems to give a <deleted>. Go figure... I saw a dog on a stick today in Hanoi. Might give it a try at some point....
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