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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. Read what I already wrote. You'll have your answer 👍
  2. Those damned Russians... Agaiiin !!
  3. Lighthearted humor. You're overreacting.
  4. Problem is I don't think you actually understood the covert ironic meaning of my post. I was extrapolating from the dumb logic underlying the article's statement "earth rotation governs time".
  5. The article talks about time as in "time passing by" not as in "space-time".
  6. Ok. So the closer to zero the better the odds. Got it. Thx. I've read multiple times that bookies were the best way to know in which direction the wind is eventually gonna blow. Where did you find the data? Any good website for political bet that I could follow now and then?
  7. What does that mean in layman's terms ?
  8. Anyone knows what the odds are with bookies these days ?
  9. The so-called JAC aces...
  10. Netizens: " This is unacceptable!!!"
  11. Nah, that's your spot.
  12. Bob's gone I'm afraid. Got lost in Pattaya's Terminel 21. Who knows if he'd ever find his way back....
  13. Imagine the mountain of testicles if we all put ours together on a table. Like every member of AseanNow who's online on a daily basis... Huh....
  14. Hanoï, Vietnam. ....... ....... Why?
  15. Apparently the hoeflation could be the explanation (or at least part of it) for a phenomenon known as passport bros. Passport bros being half of you guys who came to Thailand after a divorce or because you couldn't attract western women due to your empty wallet and double chin. That Pimp&Co study is opening a whole new conceptual world to me... Would you say bob smith was a passport bro or more like a passport bum ? Where is he anyway? Not back from is songteaw trip to Terminal 21 ?
  16. Employer ---> jail Victim's family ---> money
  17. According to a recent study by Pimp & Associates, the western world is in the middle of a hoeflation with a exponential multiplication of gold diggers... What do you make of that ?
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