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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. You might be onto something. Keep investigating.
  2. Feels like it, yeah. But this is more or less the way it's going now in Pattaya. The city used to be known for being pretty cheap especially for food. I don't think it's really the case anymore. That 80 THB Pad Thai I mentioned at Buakhao Market was 60THB a few months ago. Hotel prices have been going up as well. I was surprised to see I could find better deals in Patong, Phuket. Anyways... Thx for sharing
  3. Looks like you find yourself a real chef 💫
  4. Here are a few examples of how you can do the lasso yourselves. Don't forget to film and post below in case you make it your new morning routine.
  5. I guess it's only fair I start. Pattaya Treetown : 100 THB Buakhao Market Food Court: 80 THB
  6. How much does a Pad Thai cost in your Thai city ? I'm not talking about a take-away market Pad Thai nor am I talking about a fancy restaurant Pad Thai. I'm thinking typical food court Pad Thai. Shoot !
  7. As long as your 2 kilos don't end up being weed, you should be fine imo. Send an email to customs to be sure...
  8. I do the lasso.
  9. Same here. I was going to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. Always stayed there for 1 or 2 months before coming back to Thailand for 2 months 30 exemption+30 extension). Yesterday as I was returning from a 1 month trip to Hanoi, I had to deal with the same exact BS. Watching an officer scrolling through my file and ask me the stupidest questions before threatening me of deportation. What a joke...
  10. Now I understand why what happened to me at the airport happened to me. What a bunch of useless pencil pushers 😄 Pretending to do something to please the boss... Pathetic.
  11. You really worry.....? Really, really big concerns, huh. 😄😄 Is that you trolling, right now? How much do you worry ? Like in worry currencies. 10 worries, 20 worries, 100 maybe ?
  12. Thailand is really going to sheit these days. More and more violence every single time I go through the news. Something is brewing in the belly of the Siamese beast and it ain't nice... I might walk in the steps of bob smith and leave, at least for a while.
  13. Wine is terrible. I don't think I ever succeeded at making anything Windows work on Linux with the piece of garbage 😄 One thing you could try is run Adobe on a Windows virtual machine installed on Linux. That could work... I guess.
  14. Ubuntu is by far the best distro imo. Extremely stable and well maintained by Canonical. Forget about Adobe on Linux. You could try and use a compatibility layer like Wine but honestly it's a pain in the A. If you're not willing to go for an alternative to Adobe, better stick to Windows imo.
  15. So far you haven't done much better.
  16. About time weed consumption gets banned again...
  17. You won't click because it would be too much of a humiliation. They should really allow users to remove their post... You could use that feature right now 😄 Anyway. Time for you to go back to your Fortnite game !
  18. LOL --------> https://slideplayer.com/slide/13222216/ You missed a great opportunity to shut up 🤡
  19. Thailand's future. Such grit and courage ! Those young people are amazing 🫶
      • 3
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      • Confused
  20. Bob is unique and will never be replaced. Don't insult his memory.
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