Feels like it, yeah.
But this is more or less the way it's going now in Pattaya.
The city used to be known for being pretty cheap especially for food.
I don't think it's really the case anymore.
That 80 THB Pad Thai I mentioned at Buakhao Market was 60THB a few months ago.
Hotel prices have been going up as well. I was surprised to see I could find better deals in Patong, Phuket.
Thx for sharing
How much does a Pad Thai cost in your Thai city ?
I'm not talking about a take-away market Pad Thai nor am I talking about a fancy restaurant Pad Thai.
I'm thinking typical food court Pad Thai.
Shoot !
Same here.
I was going to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. Always stayed there for 1 or 2 months before coming back to Thailand for 2 months 30 exemption+30 extension).
Yesterday as I was returning from a 1 month trip to Hanoi, I had to deal with the same exact BS. Watching an officer scrolling through my file and ask me the stupidest questions before threatening me of deportation.
What a joke...
Now I understand why what happened to me at the airport happened to me.
What a bunch of useless pencil pushers 😄
Pretending to do something to please the boss...
You really worry.....?
Really, really big concerns, huh.
Is that you trolling, right now?
How much do you worry ?
Like in worry currencies.
10 worries, 20 worries, 100 maybe ?
Thailand is really going to sheit these days.
More and more violence every single time I go through the news.
Something is brewing in the belly of the Siamese beast and it ain't nice...
I might walk in the steps of bob smith and leave, at least for a while.
Wine is terrible.
I don't think I ever succeeded at making anything Windows work on Linux with the piece of garbage 😄
One thing you could try is run Adobe on a Windows virtual machine installed on Linux.
That could work... I guess.
Ubuntu is by far the best distro imo.
Extremely stable and well maintained by Canonical.
Forget about Adobe on Linux.
You could try and use a compatibility layer like Wine but honestly it's a pain in the A.
If you're not willing to go for an alternative to Adobe, better stick to Windows imo.
You won't click because it would be too much of a humiliation.
They should really allow users to remove their post...
You could use that feature right now 😄
Anyway. Time for you to go back to your Fortnite game !