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Everything posted by OldmanJ

  1. Just because your a silly old fool that doesn't mean you can yell at people and hit them but I'm sure if you have many baht it's quite possible to do many things that is forgotten or not noticed at some stage.
  2. Unless you live on a main road with trucks,buses,cars and motorcycles speeding by at all hours I'm afraid we must put up with the gravel roads with potholes and no lighting because they just don't care here in Thailand but they will gladly take your money for alleged projects which never happen.
  3. Why won't Iran or any other neighboring country take them, maybe they know something Australia doesn't or won't accept.
  4. Thailand is in such disarray politically at the moment they should call an election because the CC big wigs appear to dislike everyone not tied to a particular former government.
  5. The vast products sold online will also have to be looked at.
  6. Let the Thai's give them a good beating then cancel there visas and send them home with there head between there legs and banned for 5 years.
  7. Hopefully in a week or two he will contact everyone saying I just needed some personal space and time and my new friend and I feel great.
  8. If he helps around home,does his homework and keeps out of trouble 400 baht a week is a fair start.
  9. This wonderful monk has 12 million and helps the community but the government has trillions and can't seem to find the funds to help the community of Thailand
  10. It's sad that it is now 2024 and Thailand hasn't educated it's people how to safely and respectfully dispose of it's rubbish.Maybe Thailand should look at the way other countries use disposal rubbish tips.
  11. Do you mean she's not male?
  12. All disgusting people like this who touch children inappropriately deserve to die from lead poisoning.
  13. With all these changes with visa's going 0n why doesn't someone think about making it easier for someone who is married to a Thai maybe with children and living in Thailand.Or is it because non Thai's are not welcome long term.
  14. If you can afford a holiday you can afford Insurance,you only have one life so protect the quality you may have.
  15. I really sincerely hope someone will show this f###wit some respect when in another country so it never forgets.Obviously his parents gave up on this lost cause.
  16. I married a beautiful Thai woman years ago but I'm considered an ATM to many so I believe the answer is NEVER.Even if you speak the language.
  17. We need we wan't,everything appears to be for the politicians.When was the last time money was spent on the people and improving safety or is that forbidden.
  18. Try taxing the people in the high and very high income bracket more,they probably won't even notice a bit higher tax.You can't please everyone all the time.
  19. You can't be a Michael Monday to Friday and use male toilets and a Michelle on Saturday and Sunday using female toilets.Your all male or all female,wake up.
  20. I have seen the same male 3 times in the RTP uniform drinking alcohol while on duty even while trying to talk on his cop hip radio.I thought it was the norm in Thailand.
  21. It wasn't stated what happened to the man with the sword.Was he fined or all forgiven no problems and he walked away because in many countries this behavior deserves serious jail time.
  22. The Chinese and or Russians will soon be building there ports for docking there ships,maybe even military ships and the government will soon see that this is such a big mistake they made. AS USUAL.
  23. They recently upgraded a road in Phetchaburi with big lights and I have seen them working once since completing project.Why put lights in places if they won't use them and turn them on.
  24. When I looked last time HH had a beach nothing fancy but much better than a eroded piece of garbage.
  25. It doesn't matter which side of the road you drive as there isn't a police force to enforce any rules and laws in Thailand.
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