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Everything posted by OldmanJ

  1. And just how does a policeman's wife have 600,000 baht in cash and 5.1 million in gold just lying around,LEGALLY I might ask.
  2. The Thai government should be ashamed of itself how can people be expected to love on 125 baht a week.Why can't they raise there allowance any more and think of the people instead themselves for a change.
  3. Most people would ask how spicy hot the food is before ordering or to cut the amount of spice at least,but there's always someone who never thought of that apparently.WHY?
  4. Why doesn't someone check and clear the drains on a regular basis to make sure that they are functional.Or would that be a waste of time and money to even think of such a thing.
  5. You wanted many Chinese,Indians and Russians so exept the problems they bring along.
  6. While there ripping up footpath it would be a good time to address the drainage issue amongst many other things considering it will be unusable for 2 or more years.
  7. Corruption is nearly everywhere you look and if some refuse to fix the problem just don't use any buses involved in such behavior,when they go broke maybe just maybe someone upstairs will understand what must be done.
  8. Fry the owners of the company and give them 40 days to make all buses legal or burn them all to the ground.
  9. Because I have a 12 year old I find this very disturbing,I sincerely hope this was an accident and not because of bad mechanical engineering by a back yard mechanic who knows nothing.The cause of this should be clearly and strongly looked into and if anyone is guilty of negligence hang them from the nearest post.RIP
  10. I believe he is only apologizing because he got caught on video pushing another man and doesn't want to have to close permanently.
  11. Thailand has a big problem with it's rubbish,the government are only creating a bigger problem because when was the last time you saw a rubbish bin or a refuse tip somewhere.Wake up Thai government and care for the people it's becoming disgusting rubbish nearly everywhere you look.
  12. I don't mind paying 300 baht if it means I can get in and out of an airport quicker but what I don't like is when I can't see where our money is spent.Could be someone's back pocket for all we know.
  13. Let them beat the hell out of each other as long as it doesn't effect the locals then jail them and fine them for any property damage.No brain no pain.
  14. If the government wants to attract more people they should seriously look at this taxation mess.I myself can understand taxing 700 000 baht or more a year but give the people below that a break after all we contribute the pitance we have to the economy also and most want to spend our last years here spending what little we have
  15. It is widely known that many happenings in Thailand are not truthful and honest so if these alleged charges are in fact truthful they only do what many others do.What's the problem.
  16. People who can't handle a car or motorcycle properly and then speed,especially in wet conditions,are idiots and fools.
  17. This is still clear as mud and what about people on marriage and retirement visas? I suspect there will be many hiccups along the way,if it ever successfully works.
  18. Why don't the Republicans say enough is enough your to old a convicted felon and a liar we need and want a fresh honest face.Grow some balls for God's sake
  19. To consider population control and investigate,in other words a big NOTHING.
  20. Even if China did release some water from the dam have they ever been known to admit there mistakes,just look back at the pandemic and now the flooding.
  21. Neither of the 2 countries don't have a great safety record and when together,a receipe for a unfortunate disaster isn't to far away.I hope the trapped people can be retrieved well and alive soon.
  22. Many people have to realize that Trump is a convicted felon,do you really want a convicted felon who only cares about himself in office.
  23. It's unfortunate but the police are sometimes the last to go to for help in this great country.I take a photo of the area and or bring a friend along but I don't drink and still can't remember at times.
  24. It's unfortunate but the police are sometimes the last to go to for help in this great country.I take a photo of the area and or bring a friend along but I don't drink and still can't remember at times.
  25. Before you continue working for the people someone has to start and that's where the problem may well be as it could upset the well to do rich side.
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