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Everything posted by OldmanJ

  1. A 3 minute search on Google revealed buses from North Pattaya Road to Hua Hin at around 520 baht,can book online.Ferry stopped about 4 or so years ago due to not enough patronage.
  2. Why don't the authorities want clarification,has anyone even thought about erecting signs in Chinese,English and Thai saying driving on beach is illegal and not allowed.Do people even think forward in Thailand
  3. Give them 90 days and they try every and any trick in the book,lie and stealing is not beneath them.
  4. China is trying to be part of all countries affairs,legal or illegal,and each year they appear to increase there knowledge.
  5. How can you now have stricter building/safety regulations when I was under the believe that there are no regulations.Someone please explain.
  6. When you let s0o many into the country for any reason this was expected to happen,look at the news over the last 5+ weeks.They have to feed themselves one way or another even illegally.
  7. The government wanted tens of thousands of tourists and many have chosen Pattaya or Phuket.They made there bed so they now have to except that it just may have all been a big mistake.Safety should always come first.
  8. It appears the government are more interested in tourists $ than the health of the people in the worse smog filled city in the world.Who wants to go to a place where you can't breath and get sick anyway.
  9. Send her back to her home land to kick the Ruskies there.Couldn't she at least try a better excuse. Blacklist her and fine her.
  10. I maybe wrong but I seem to remember that the income method was canceled some 2+ years ago for Australians,UK and Americans.Best bet is to ask at the relevant embassies or immigration.
  11. Two Bitbulls mauled another dog to death two weeks ago within 20 feet of me.They are an unpredictable dangerous breed and should be removed.
  12. Since when has the government ever been democratic.Forbidding people to talk about certain people or subjects is not a sign of democracy.
  13. If our Aussie friend is indeed guilty of outrageous stupid behavior teach him a lesson and revoke his visa to show this behavior will not be tolerated and there are circumstances for ANYONE committing crimes.
  14. They would have to build a circuit just for F1 as so many roads in Thailand can't even handle cars and motorcycles,what a waste spend the money so everyone can have clean water or fix all roads for the people.
  15. If they need more people to clean up most of Thailand why not employee them or use some people sitting inside jails.You don't have to he smart to work that out.
  16. Time to stop the Russians 90 days tourist visa after 60 days,max,deport them back to where they come from.After all there beloved leader is eagerly awaiting there return and it appears most won't be missed in Thailand or Bali anyways.
  17. The road rules in Thailand are nothing more than a laugh,%90÷ don't understand road safety or care but then again what rules,you can buy a license without doing a test or knowing how to drive.
  18. Thailand is the one of a minority places that have females dancing in short provocative clothes,is this because the people on stage trying to perform have no idea what there doing and sound like a toilet flushing. If this behavior continues at concerts Thailand may consider banning them,unfortunately.
  19. Hua Hin is very busy at the moment and Soi Bintabaht is slowly becoming busy again.Today at Makro there were Russians and or Ukrainians everywhere,knew because many of them had shirts with Russia printed on it.
  20. There is no such thing as maintenance in Thailand of anything just look at many houses,condos and cars,it was working fine before it stopped working and failed.
  21. There is no legitimate legal group of people to oversee the road rules in Thailand,it's a free for all as fast as you want.
  22. Cut his fingers and private parts off and let the people in jail sought out the low life pedophiles,there way.
  23. I know one establishment who has 5 CCTV cameras and neither work,when I asked WHY he told me it's just to scare people as I can't afford a working settup.
  24. These Russians can't seem to keep out of the news,they always appear to get up to some mischief.
  25. A friend was walking his dog on a leash 2 weeks ago when 2 pit bulls attacked his dog and nearly killed it,bit bulls are a mean killing machine not meant to be roaming the streets.A child may be next.
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