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Everything posted by OldmanJ

  1. With all due respect to those hurt from accidents in Thailand if you are only going to insure for the minimum and hope for the best and expect a go fund me page to pay the rest.Don't bother coming to Thailand.
  2. This type of behavior is becoming more noticeable in the press as many more Russians are allowed to make Thailand there new home including there special privileges,the 90 day visa.Thai government you made your bed you lie in it.
  3. I would wait for confirmation of the alleged person than I would show no mercy,if anyone touched my young daughter they would be very sore and sorry for the remainder of there miserable life.
  4. 36 parents should give the teacher a good flogging and make sure it never returns to teaching again,simply outrageous.
  5. This of course is a load of BS I will believe it when I see it,how many countless times has this crackdown been promised.
  6. This is outstanding news which I believe someone is so glad to know but I don't think anyone will loose any sleep.
  7. Come on all you Thai's out there are you really going to loose some sleep over such a trivial comment years ago,show everyone how strong you are let it go,are you maybe seeing to much into it.
  8. Many people can't afford to have children in today's world,if you can't give a child a good loving life don't be part of making them.
  9. Hopefully that will mean less drunken idiot fools causing Kaos on the road and more life's saved.
  10. If the owners name doesn't appear on the contract immigration just might have a few problems and also for your own benefit if something happens with the property you will need there contact name and number.If they won't comply just walk.
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