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Robert Paulson

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  1. I was noting today trump is not campaigning on his operation warp speed. He saved all these lives in record time with a safe and effective vaccine, but he doesn’t mention it? I guess that can mean one of 2 or 3 things. I know why I think he doesn’t mention saving us from covid.
  2. Idk. Maybe yeah. I don’t have a clear understanding of the new rules. I’m simply constantly astounded they don’t make things easier for people MARRIED TO THAI CITIZENS. This seems rather no brainer territory to me. But no they actually make it more difficult, eg if you look at some of the stufff they are doing with non o at savanakhette… all making things more difficult.
  3. Yes. He also was the first president to ever support gay marriage. No, it wasn’t Obama. This seems of particular interested here, but the derangement is strong with this one. As ob1 said, “let go Luke”
  4. Insane was voting for Biden in the first place. Despite what msm says, now isn’t the time when his mental condition started deteriorating
  5. To me a strange part about border runs is, why would immigration effectively be easier for someone who just so happens to live closer to a border? It makes no sense. I guess they don’t care about it not making sense
  6. It’s amazing isn’t it? He saved millions of lives, yet he didn’t mention operation warp speed at his most recent speech. He must just want to give Biden credit for creating the safe and effective vaccines in record time to save all our 6 month olds and older.
  7. Keeping water completely out of your ears is completely unnatural condition. Doctors don’t know what the hell they are talking about half the time. They know generalizations, which may end up working. Who knows maybe no water is actually bad for you. In fact I’d guess that no water ever in an ear is in fact bad. But everyone has to do what makes sense to them.
  8. You probably caused the problem yourself. My point in this thread is doctors are the worst things that ever happened to most of us. They are liable to make things worse. They are pharma shills. However, they are good at procedures, for example if you break a bone or need a hip replacement. But things like this can usually be taken care of by oneself… maybe not the initial problem, like a bad impaction for example, but thereafter if you have good habits you won’t need to see a doctor again. The funny part to me is I basically advise people to take care of themselves. Eat good. Be active daily. And you won’t have many if any problems. Yet I’m the bad guy. 😂 but if you really look at what I’m saying and drop the egos and drop what you think you know about doctors 99% of people would benefit highly if they actually followed my advice. Doctors have a single job when you walk in: to get you back in! That’s all they care about. I’ve noticed they are completely unconcerned about diagnosing me properly in first visits often. Why? Why would they. Shotgun me with pills and schedule me for a second appt. And I think everyone reading this knows that’s true, but they fail to admit it. Doctors are simply trying to treadmill patients. They don’t care.
  9. Almost everybody does all kinds of stuff to their ears. Seriously how many people do you know that don’t touch their ears. There aren’t any. That’s the source of most problems. ears are completely self regulating people. So is wax. Those are just the facts. Do with them as you may. Your problems are most likely to you getting in there and trying to “fix” things.
  10. I love how peoples supporting links are from: the people who profit from more doctor visits. And it never even dawns on you the info could be skewed, does it? Amazing. Really it’s quite amazing. I guruntee you most cases are people screwing up their own ears by doing things, many of which you see in this thread. Pouring crap in their ears etc. and then all the sudden down the line they have a huge problem 😂 yeah, a problem caused by the person. I know it’s amazing to some but if you truly just leave your ears alone there is a good chance they will be fine and perfectly functioning. Yes do nothing and your odds of being healthy are high. Amazing I know but true.
  11. Your posts are complete nonsense. I had an actual io advise me to swap to a retirement visa. He was basically inferring it’s much easier and painless. Don’t speak about things you know nothing about
  12. That was written by a company that profits from people cleaning their ears more often. Get a grip.
  13. I never saw him say it affects his hearing. People don’t realize you’re liable to do more harm than good with wax. Unless there is an actual problem or pain I’d stay well away from any doctor. We do know the human body naturally removes earwax, right? And we know the wax exists for a reason? Right? It’s not simply “something that needs to be cleaned”, it actually serves a purpose similar to things like, idk your arms and legs
  14. I wonder if it will ever dawn in them to make life easier for people,actually married to Thais
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