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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. People really do understand this topic so poorly I mean that. if you remember this in Thailand it may be gold: “rips” we will call them very rarely or I’d even say never pull straight out to see. They only do that in big waves when huge setup of waves pile up on the shoreline. That will pull straight out but it’s not going to be a common occurrence in Thailand, especially not right now with 3 foot waves. If you wanna prove this just watch a surfer paddle out. A surfer will never get a free ride straight out to sea. He always has to paddle. You’ll very commonly see one get pulled to the left or right though. Much more common are “rips” that will move parallel to the shore. And quite honestly this isn’t dangerous, you just swim straight in. Now of course someone can get confused and swim the wrong way. But again, you’d just let waves hit you if you have that option, don’t even duck them, and swim straight in. thats it. Another way to put what I’m saying is if you migrated the thai population out of Thailand and replaced them with Aussies you’d never have a drowning. That’s because there is no danger in thailand there are only really bad swimmers and dumb tourists. That’s what causes the deaths. If you wanna stop deaths in Thailand just get kids in the water more, idk it doesn’t seem very hard to figure to me. thanks for coming to my Ted talk in “rips” misunderstandings
  2. We’re still only a few years in when it comes to vaccines. Note vaccine development usually takes on the order of 5-10 years. I guess we are going through that period now. And one of them has been pulled. Yip yip, hurrah.
  3. You just admitted you know nothing about the ocean like the rest of the mob who googles stuff for their facts. Or they hear about it from a thai “yeah it’s dangerous current” (thai guy can’t swim 2 feet to save his life lol). If you actually do wanna do some real research you’ll find what I’ve said is exactly correct
  4. Right. He probably could not even swim. That’s how you die in thai waters. Not “rip currents”
  5. There will probably be another story tomorrow: man dies after entering water after drinking 12 bottles of Leo on the beach on what was previously thought as a rip current being the cause
  6. I’m 100% right. what is your opinion on how this mysterious “rip tide” formed?
  7. Yes. They can never just come out and tell the truth. It’s sad really. They are pathetic people and yet they constantly get rewarded for acting this way
  8. People often bring up other vaccines as some kind of proof that vaccines do in fact help us as a whole, and maybe they do. But the fact is I see very few medicines that when you analyze the negative effects of it in the long run, do those effects outweigh the positives. As humans were very concerned with the now. It’s a horrible trait. It’s much better to think about the long term. I’d hazard to guess most medicines do more harm than good, and I strongly believe history will prove me correct. We just aren’t that good at formulating medicine. I am not sure why people think we are. There even a physical law to describe the point I’m making: for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction. How I’d read that in the case of medicine is… sure you may get some short term benefit, but in the long run you’re gonna suffer for it.
  9. You guys have called it quits, but rest assured Alex you were far more correct on this topic than he was
  10. People don’t understand at all. “Rips tides” are not even a thing. A real rip tide would be like somewhere that water bottlenecks like at an outlet for boats and the tide is outgoing. That’s a riptide you can swim against. There’s none of this on the beaches of phuket. There’s way action which is very small, and tidal currents which don’t pull close to the shore when there is no bottleneck effect
  11. I should have added to my prognosis that he could have possible purposefully swam out. But to not be able to swim back in while in thai waters would be like not being able to make it back to the ledge in a swimming pool. In other words, he had no business swimming out there.
  12. So there were witnesses that “saw him get swept out within 5 minutes”. Then it goes on to say nobody helped him. So I guess those witnesses just saw him get swept out and he must have looked like he was struggling and they walked away?! Something doesn’t add up. Don’t worry though the thai detective are working some leads
  13. Because the waves are big for them. But the waves are not big.
  14. Me. I have more knowledge. If you can swim in Thailand you should never drown. The waves are tiny even in the large wave season. “Rips” aren’t even a thing. People don’t even know what rips are. There is only things in the ocean that could be described as a rip. One is when a huge set of waves comes in and all that water needs to get back out in a rush. Doesn’t really happen in Thailand. More like places like Hawaii. And if there is one in Thailand, it’s gonna be rather light. my expert opinion is either the guy was a horrible, terrible swimmer that could hardly tread water or barely even swim, or something else happened to him, like who knows a bad jellyfish or knocked his head or something.
  15. The only times they try and stop a protest and lie about the protesters like this is when it’s working. Reminds me of the trucker. Lucky for you fools in here the students will probably fold like the truckers sooner or later and then you can be relieved that you tax money will be sent to Israel without protest once again. Why you’d want to be relieved if that pressure I have no idea but ok
  16. I don’t even understand how one could die this way. I mean he must have been able to tread water. I’d bet something else happened to him.
  17. you almost can’t make this up, on cue for the “motorbikes are safe in Thailand” crew a 3rd new thread is now in play
  18. The numbers are: anything goes wrong, even one little thing, and you could easily be a goner or have a broken neck. its funny because when covid first started I was one of these people laughing at everyone. Not a care in the world. And even though I think I was right, it did turn out worse than I thought I suppose. Point being I’m not very paranoid about stuff. But getting on a motorbike in Thailand: I’d just never do it. There’s no reason to.
  19. lol 2 yoid think I have control of the forum posts or something. Both posted minutes after our genius aseannow members were proclaiming how safe it is to ride a motorbike in Thailand lol I’m sorry but you just cant make it up
  20. I find it painfully easy to keep proper weight nowadays. I admit it was difficult for about 15 years because I was eating like I did in high school and expected the same results even when active. there’s so much I don’t eat now and it’s not even difficult anymore. I give in every now and again I think is the key. That makes it easy. I have t had a pizza in almost 5 years though so that’s gonna be a doozy when I order one up. Even a Thai pizza is gonna be godlike
  21. I’d be curious as to this poll. I guess I’d need to make a new thread: “I think it’s safe to drive a motorbike in Thailand” ”I think masks and closing the thai borders was an appropriate response to covid” ”I think Biden is a good president” I bet anything there is a direct correlation lol
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