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  1. Nothing wrong with them. You seem to think GOP senator is a lemming. Far from it.
  2. Why the deflection?
  3. I don't recall asking for sarcasm.
  4. Care to elaborate on Gaetz's capabilities?
  5. I also thought it was Trump's strategy to rid of a potential troublemaker without being accused of being a bad guy.
  6. Let's see how far this goes. To me, Gaetz is the worst of the worst.
  7. Good riddance. There are more qualified and less controversial candidates that can accomplish the job without causing dissension among the GOP.
  8. By dictator, are you referring to anyone in particular? In Hawaii, for many years job ads specifically called out what ethnic group they were hiring. This only stopped when federal anti discrimination laws were enacted.
  9. A good take on the what the world faces today. AI will eliminate millions of jobs, especially for those with limited educations. And free lunches for the jobless are not free. I have no solution to offer, but in the past nature has culled overpopulation by war and pestilence. We will pay a hefty price for the overuse of antibiotics and a nuclear war is always a scary possibility. As far Trump making impossible promises, nothing new. He just happens to good salesman.
  10. Accumulation of wealth by a limited few doesn't help the majority of Americans. An indication of this is is record high credit card debt. Sounds like Reagan's trickle down theory at work. Since I have been able to take advantage in the appreciation of my investments this is not a personal complaint, but an observation of who is really benefiting from this good economy? Certainly not both Trump and Biden supporters.
  11. Trump may have beat Harris by 2.5 million in the popular vote, but the electoral vote is what counts. Harris 226, Trump 312.
  12. That was just a diversion and delaying tactic by Putin.
  13. I send emails that contain valuable information from my primary account (aol) to my alternate account (gmail) in case for some reason that account goes down, gets locked or the email is somehow deleted.
  14. You sound so sure of yourself, like how you were so sure who would win the White House. Why do you keep predicting the end of the world? Enough, already.
  15. Isn't this what often happens when someone supports the losing side?

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