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  1. Priceline always asks for my passport number.
  2. But if their pay was short a few baht their ability to count would soon appear.
  3. Time to clean house and get rid of those with political agendas. No more Lisa Pages and Peter Strzoks.
  4. There are arguments for both theories of the virus's origin. The Chinese want us to believe the wet market one, but think the lab origin is more plausible.
  5. Are you confusing misinformation with disinformation?
  6. A few months ago we visited a friend in Phetchaburi. We stayed at a resort in the middle of nowhere and went to a local restaurant for food and drinks. The owner's four year old daughter waited on us. Smart and polite little girl who provided excellent service. Of course, she a received a generous tip.
  7. We have one. Very handy for picking lamyai, litchi and avocados. We don't have a mango tree.
  8. I'd rather follow the advice of my doctor than listen to anyone who thinks they know all about virology and vaccines. I also have a medical doctor relative who has a background in biomedical engineering and virology whose advice I trust. Are they stupid. Far from it. When some people fail to understand a complicated issue they quickly dismiss it as garbage. Then the spreading of misinformation begins.
  9. Enough, already! He was man enough to admit he was mistaken. No one is infallible unless you are one of those posters who is NEVER wrong.
  10. No problem. To err is human, except for some posters who are NEVER wrong.
  11. No where in the link did I see anything mentioned about transgenders in the military. Any way, that is not what I was referring to. Speaking as a retired veteran, I feel there should be no place for them in our military.
  12. Call it what you want, but I still say it's a slippery slope.
  13. This is what many thought while struggling through the Great Depression. My mother never got over it, but my Dad did. Although conservative he was a very positive person. I've learned from him and have endured through some tough times and ugly divorces. Today, I have a comfortable lifestyle with my girlfriend who frequently comments about our good relationship.
  14. It certainly is investing. https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/stocks/
  15. I am not accusing anyone of fraud. What I am saying is scrutinizing one's tax return is not the same as performing a field audit. Besides unrealized gains may be reported to the IRS, but are not necessarily required to be entered on one's tax return. Just saying. Even required financial disclosures can be vague. We will just have to wait and see. Who knows, there may be some surprises.
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