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Everything posted by uttradit

  1. Drive an hour to another shop? You might save 8,000 baht on the price and spend 800 baht on fuel. Have you thought of that? Maybe another shop will check the glasses, do an eye test and give better service.
  2. How is it relevant to you? You didnt bargain and paid too much. You left the shop with glasses that werent right. You should have done a 2nd eye test in shop. 20,000 is full retail price. Either the test was wrong or the glasses were made wrong. How can anyone help you if you don't use common sense. Your issue is with the shop who played you. Nobody pays full retail for glasses.
  3. The guy is super smart. Negotiated a great deal. Did 12 hours in jail and now free. Coffee and cake now.
  4. Taksin and Trump. Dream team. Making lefties cry daily.
  5. Do you not bargain in Thailand? My glasses started out at 10,000 and i got them for 8,000 baht. Half up front. Did you just pay 20,000 upfront without bargaining the price or the deposit? They are probably only worth 16,000.
  6. Have you never owned glasses before? If they arent right in shop they won't be right 2 days later. Are they too weak or too strong? Why would you pay 100% upfront? Id walk out find another shop. I bought mine with the same company. 8000 baht , half upfront. They are great.
  7. Do another eye test. See an eye doctor.
  8. Well they fooled you. Never have to pay 100% upfront and why didn't you check the lenses in the shop before walking out???? Also you could get tests done at 2 different shops to see.
  9. Well I have owned at least 6 pairs and never paid 20,000 baht. When you receive them you wear them in the shop to make sure all is ok before final payment. Normally a deposit of 50% is paid upfront. Not sure why you paid 100% and never checked they were ok first.
  10. Adjust the lenses obviously. Are you not capable of solving basic problems?
  11. People with TDS don't realise how foolise they are. Kind of scary these people are allowed to vote when their version of the world is so warped. Supporting an 81yo guy with dementia who forgot how his son died. Saddest political arena in a long time.
  12. TDS posts are all very similar. Repeat the same things.
  13. Topic is Biden is too old. TDS rants are not needed. 86% agree.
  14. Post some photos of these real attractive women on these websites then
  15. Hard to believe guys need an app in Thailand to find a woman. Of all places. Then some trans people stopped you. It's actually very funny.
  16. Stop watching the news. It's bad for your health.
  17. And you are 68yo?
  18. Hopeless Joe can't even make a phone call. Too old, too clueless. Hasn't spoken to Putin in 3 years. Joe is a loser.
  19. Korat in your name perhaps? Wokeism is a US thing. Stop voting Democrat and it will go away.
  20. Trump is smart, Biden is dumb. Biden keeps paying Ukraine. Won't phone Putin. Joe is so dumb.
  21. Yes millions of idiots voted Biden. Sums up America.
  22. Anti war that's good. Only losers are war mongers.
  23. Last of the desperate Democrats. Like watching the BidenTitanic. Down go the wokes and the desperates. Scott is a decent man unlike Joe or Kamala.
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