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Everything posted by uttradit

  1. All he does is smoke dope, get drunk and slag off Trump. Got no talent, never been married, never been anywhere. He must know important people to have lasted with no talent. Milli vanilla of tv.
  2. Bill admits to knowing nothing about politics 555 All his jokes are probably written for him
  3. So you like third rate comedians?
  4. He is awful. Was asked about the guy from California. Claimed he would make a great president. His only reason was he made it rain. The guy is a c grade version of Letterman. Audience gets told to laugh. How sad is that.
  5. Does it matter? Who cares what Bill Maher says? Short weirdo who has never married. I'm surprised he has a career. Wouldn't make it elsewhere.
  6. 2 hour stopovers are fine. Only bad if long.
  7. Bill jokes about prostitutes. How ironic. Never married 55
  8. Yes he is a bottom shelf dweller. Only popular with non thinking Americans.
  9. So you lost the argument, now resorting to abuse. Makes you lose even more.
  10. Did the Americans tell the truth about Iraq? You are just showing your ignorance about wars and politics.
  11. You dodge questions and post no facts. I can see why you don't know much about journalism.
  12. https://www.wearethemighty.com/popular/countries-america-hasnt-invaded/
  13. US has invaded 70 countries shame on them. Yet the sheep still believe CNN and an 81yo dementia guy. Shameful! https://www.countercurrents.org/polya050713.htm
  14. Why is it ok for the US to invade so many countries? Are you American?
  15. You made me laugh already with your tin foil hat theories.
  16. Real journalism https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/world/story/are-ukraines-vast-natural-resources-a-real-reason-behind-russias-invasion-323894-2022-02-25
  17. Only bad journalists argue. Why they are so unpopular.
  18. Not shilling for anyone. Just looking at the reasons for war. Nobody has to pick sides or favourites. Try using that common sense you claim to have.
  19. It's called google. You have been brain washed by CNN and Biden. Sad.
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