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Everything posted by uttradit

  1. You think too much.
  2. You friend sounds smart.
  3. It's a simple decision. Do you want to be with her in 2 years time? If no stop today. Stop all communication. If you want to be with her its 5,000 a week or nothing. Let her decide. Do you want 5,000 or nothing? You have the power not her. If she argues finish it today. Just common sense. Nothing else to think about. I don't know why guys fall for all the lies.
  4. If you want to end it why wait? Just giving money away. This isn't a moral judgement just common sense. Best response to money request is no response. A lot of gold diggers in Thailand. They just lie non stop. Always some issue. Well get a job and pay it yourself.
  5. No point eating good steak if cooked well done. Just eat the cheap stuff. Eating well done you lose the flavour and juices, like mixing single malt with coke. Defeats the purpose.
  6. Sounds like Samui and Phuket have been ruined by foreigners. That's what airports do.
  7. Cap it at 20,000 a month. But if you are not with her much why give any?
  8. How about people do what suits them.
  9. They laugh more about Biden.
  10. Tucker will be making lots of money off it. Played what? His life isn't impact by Putin. He just got a big interview, made money went back to hotel.
  11. I doubt you can afford to go anywhere and name calling is the last resort.
  12. Hard to say where it ends. Maybe it doesn't end. I don't really care.
  13. You said you are missing teeth. Why don't you fix the teeth?
  14. Their fares are high compared to others.
  15. His life is probably better than yours. If being a billionaire dictator, living in palaces with maids and chefs, women at your call is losing then what is David doing on Soi 6?
  16. Seinfeld, Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, Bill Burr. I think Chris Rock is overrated though.
  17. Biden is gone https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971
  18. You could just tell them 180 baht change.
  19. About 33m males, 10% is 3.3m.
  20. You believe those estimates? 10,000 and 300,000 is a wide variance which means they have no idea. Be at least 1m now.
  21. Lots of gibberish. I knew 2 years ago why the war started.
  22. Why are you obsessed with this issue? All over an app. I saw two guys in a restaurant dating trans. I didn't complain. Would you? Literally who cares.
  23. Not log rolling ones.
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