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G_Money last won the day on January 10

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  1. Correct. Biden is a confirmed liar. All on video. Along with his dyke press secretary.
  2. Lies are lies. Biden is not immune. Or maybe he is in your mind.
  3. Democratic leadership is baffling! Wild Wild West!
  4. I’m/we're not seeing what you’re seeing. I’m seeing entire news stories dedicated to “lefties losing it”. Not righties losing it. The icing on the cake is the best show comes from your very own country of citizenship, Australia. How sweet it is. There is a reason for the lefties madness. They’re nutters. Watch and listen closely.
  5. Your predictions have not been accurate in the past. Your predictions for the future will follow the same path. But keep dreaming. That’s all you have left.
  6. In your case, mine is all that matters.
  7. So Biden’s lies are acceptable to the left. Leftists logic has no morals.
  8. Best not to worry about things you have no control over. You’ll be rewarded with uninterrupted deep sleep.
  9. Which lie is it this time? I will not pardon Hunter. Oh wait, that was Biden.
  10. The Santa Ana’s specifically are not his fault. Years of mismanagement of funds and resources for fire prevention/management are. Along with the LA mayor.
  11. If the election was held today Trump would of won California in a landslide. Forget 2028 Newsom, you’re history.
  12. Australia does have intelligent people. Sky news leads the pack.
  13. I was correct in my assessment. You’re a lost cause. And a complete waste of time.
  14. Read my post again. He failed miserably during HIS term
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