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  1. I see Thais getting pulled over and ticketed at the same checkpoint every time the police are conducting their checks. Driving while black has nothing to do with it. Get over it.
  2. American political threads tell a different story than yours.
  3. Perhaps you can pass on your logic to your fellow Australians and maybe the Poms will take notice. Probably not. G’day.
  4. Not in myself or anyone in my family. I’ll stick with the genes. Buon appetito
  5. Point taken. To be honest I’ve never seen your display name on the American political threads. Perhaps you have but not enough to be recognizable. The others, not so much.
  6. Congratulations on your success. But I feel in this particular case the perp was most likely on or coming down from a well known stimulant. While pot most likely didn’t cause this reaction it is a gateway drug. As you should know most hard core drug users normally start with smoking a doobie.
  7. And I don’t believe you. Neither do millions of other Italian Americans or others in general. I am NOT a diabetic nor is anyone in my family. Majority passed in their mid eighties, I have no problem with that. In this case I’ll “follow the science “. It’s in one’s genes.
  8. Glad you weren’t there Bob. You would of chopped him up with your machete.
  9. mentally addictive. but in this case most likely coming down from meth.
  10. Of course the dopers will back up the nutter dope head farang.
  11. Just to let you’all know I’ll refrain from posting on Orstrayin politics and problems with their country/government. Ditto for UK. It's the right thing to do. Maybe I’ll start a trend on other’s posting about America's. Every time I look at exchange rates I think it’s great to be American. Don’t hate.

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