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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Actually the real blood bath will occur when Trump wins by the lunatics of the left. Anarchy, mayhem, looting, firestorms, beatings, riots that will make the 6th look like kindergarten. Encouraged by AOC and her squad, Waters, Pelosi and let’s not leave out Hollywood. History will repeat itself. You can hold me accountable for posting this. They can’t help it, liberalism is a mental disorder.
  2. Have you actually researched that topic? Is factual data available? From a reliable unbiased source? Links or spreadsheets? What effect does greenhouse gases play in this scenario? Could it the cause of increased lbtgxyz!$@“ and lesbian females? Increased carbon dioxide emissions could directly affect sexual identification issues.
  3. His defense will be when he was younger he didn’t a trophy for not coming in first place.
  4. Geez, almost as boring as Walkers posts. Almost.
  5. Your shortest post yet. But still the same gibberish.
  6. check the lbtxyz!$@#£€ thread.
  7. Sounds like she’s a good person. Must have a great deal of patience. At this point in my life I would not want to deal with any committee. But then I try to choose where I live wisely.
  8. Not related. If you don’t think he deserves his ass whipped you’re part of the problem, not the solution.
  9. Not a matter of balls but sense. ”If” doesn’t count in fan room. Am sure your opinion would be greatly looked forward to.
  10. Absolutely not unless you’re a glutton for punishment. Look at the difference of opinion here. Now you have actually see them in person if you join the board.
  11. Bur wait, not all Trans are homosexuals. Perhaps most of the Gestapo were Drag Queens in private so those books were spared.
  12. Trump train chugging down the tracks! Full speed. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-faces-off-against-gop-establishment-parachutes-into-contentious-republican-senate-primary
  13. She definitely has enough booty for all! Bootycall !
  14. Could be. Never had that happen to me. Pay rent on time, even a day or two early and taking care of the place helps. IMO a 2 month clause, btw is sufficient time to move out is the owners way of getting rid of an undesirable tenant. Hopefully the squatter phenomenon that is spreading like wildfire in America thanks to liberal laws won’t catch on in Thailand.
  15. Invest in your home country. Rent and spend in Thailand. KISS! Worst case scenario. Losing your rental deposit (which I never have) vs millions of baht. Grab passport and perhaps a suitcase and go. Didn’t keep your home country home? Oh well, better luck next time.
  16. After the lease is expired.
  17. The truth does bring out comments such as yours from the left. Nothing new.
  18. 25%? That’s nothing. Based on the reading of other people’s opinions and posts my guess is the forum is 75% at a minimum.
  19. Not sure if English is your first language but read again and try to comprehend.
  20. Another predictable outcome for Biden’s plan to flood the USA with migrants dependent on the Democratic Party for benefits and congressional representation. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/massachusetts-gop-leader-right-to-shelter-law-revisted-arrest-migrant-accused-rape
  21. The father should have given him a good old fashioned ass whipping right in front of the police. Instead of that dazed look of my son wouldn’t do that.
  22. Feel better now? So lying on camera looking directly into the face the American people and saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman “ is ok? JFK’s affair ok? Powerful men have Mia Noi’s. Get over it.
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