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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. I’ll give you a prize for being the biggest troll of all time!
  2. Don’t burn your bridges by “moving “ to Thailand. I’ll never pay the Thai tax man one baht of my personal pensions and IRA distributions after paying USA taxes on them already. Even while on a retirement visa/ extensions. If push comes to shove I’ll go back every 3 months for a new tourist visa. Or just stay home for awhile and then come back. Absolutely no way I would pay 2 countries income tax.
  3. Much more concerned about our domestic enemies that live amongst us and deteriorate the U.S. from within such as Biden, AOC and the Squad and Pelosi just to name a few. Putins invasion happened during Biden’s watch. Need I say more. I know, I know. Trump’s fault.
  4. He’s not qualified to shoot anyone. That’s reserved for real military or police officers if their hands aren’t tied by liberal politicians and District Attorney’s. Only coke (cola) and joke, socialize and pass out bags of money.
  5. “Trump is a criminal, a mob boss.“ Of which family? Gambino? Columbo?, Luciano? Sammy “The Bull “ stated he tried to get Trump involved in illegal activities. He said Trump wouldn’t bite. He’s clean. Time to do some mob homework.
  6. I have proven you lied. It’s all in your previous post. I even quoted the post and you still deny. SOP for the left. Forgot about the underground babysitting in Minot, North Dakota. About as exciting as watching grass grow.
  7. Don’t be upset that I proved you lied. Now I’m having second thoughts about agreeing with your “Retired AF “ claim. Most people who lie, lie about multiple topics. I know you weren’t in combat arms, highly doubtful you worked the flight line. Was it Motorpool, Administrative, Messhall or passing out basketballs at the base gym? My guess based on the context of your post, basketballs.
  8. Adderall is most likely covered under Tricare. Check it out. It may help you.
  9. No different than Biden freeing the Russian arms dealer using the cover of “prisoner exchange “ for an over rated basketball player.
  10. Another one of these guys. Should make for an entertaining read.
  11. Read the first sentence of your first post! I have no need to make up anything about you. You’re not worth the effort Appears Biden isn’t the only one with dementia.
  12. I agree. The left fear their own people. Strange how the followers of the left destroy their own neighborhoods. The fact that the leftists policies of being able to loot, smash and grab or just walk into a store and steal $900.00 worth of merchandise without prosecution doesn’t help. If I tried that my white privilege of a lifetime of working and paying taxes would not help. You go Monkey House!
  13. But it drastically increased during his watch and had done nothing to stop it.
  14. Wait until Trump is elected. The anarchy, looting and mayhem will be nothing like we’ve seen before. All by the never Trumpers.
  15. Don’t leave out his blond leg hairs at the pool scene.
  16. “The difference is that I a provide proof that I serve.” Where? But then you expect me to provide proof that would lead to my identity theft. You hitting the bottle when you post?
  17. Your proof of AF service? Which post was that in? All I saw was a claim. I take your word for it but I saw no “proof” Any BM on this thread see “proof “ of Bruce AF service ? As I stated before, I can’t comprehend for you.
  18. George is such great reporter’ https://www.foxnews.com/media/abc-news-george-stephanopoulos-inaccurately-trump-found-liable-rape-10-times-legal-gurus-say
  19. Everything I stated was fact. I can’t comprehend it for you. Whether or not you believe me is your issue, not mine. You claim retired Air Force. I take your word for it. I don’t ask you “facts” such as your DD-214 or service records. I could ask retired from active duty, reservists or by the content of your posts, medically. But I don’t.
  20. Go back and read my post again. Everything you need is there. Sorry, I can’t help you with your condition Long term effects of JP-8 fumes has not been kind to you. Best to seek professional help.
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