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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Remember when the buses full of illegal aliens were sent to Martha’s Vineyard to work. Didn’t take long for Obama and the other elitist to get rid of them. Not in my backyard, So much for the compassionate Democrats.
  2. Once again talk is cheap. Nothing to back up your claims. Don’t believe everything. I thought you were smarter than that but….
  3. They’re finally learning to get off the democrat plantation. About time!
  4. Most come for the freebies, health care, hotel rooms and the democrats turn a blind eye as usual in return for their votes, along with the deceased.
  5. This would not happen if Biden did his job to keep out the drugs, illegal aliens, ms-13 gang bangers, child rapist, prior deports from entering primarily through the southern border. One reason only. To reinforce the Democrats voting base. Trump was right. They’re not sending their best.
  6. Coming from a real Black man. Not a white liberal says alot.
  7. Keep on watching MSNBC, CNN. They’ll tell everything you want to hear. And you actually believe them.
  8. Please post the proof on video . Not what Rachel says on MSNBC or Joyce on “The View “.
  9. Wake up ! We already have a dictator by the name of Biden. Telling you what to drive, appliances to own etc etc. But I’ll give credit when credit is due. He’s not pulling the strings. He’s not that smart. Big help from Obama, Clinton’s, George Soros, Bill Gates, the clown from Facebook just to name a few.
  10. I have and recommend the same to others other than cut and paste from liberal media outlets.
  11. Really? His net worth is more than most on this thread combined, most likely.
  12. Just exercising my rights to voice my opinions, just like you. That is ok, isn’t it. Unless you want me silenced like the left normally does with anyone that doesn’t agree with them.
  13. Wise business decisions. Many successful entrepreneurs have failures along the way. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing illegal nor was he convicted of any crime in that arena. He’s done well in the private sector. Biden on the other hand has done well too, with China and Ukraine in his pocket. After all he is the big guy.
  14. You really should stop getting your news from MSNBC and “The View “.
  15. Blah blah blah, all talk. No real proof of anything. I’ve proven Senile Joe is a confirmed liar. In his own words on film. Pretty hard to deny that.
  16. What conspiracy did I post? Stick with the facts. I know it’s hard for your types. But try.
  17. And what about Biden's classified documents in his garage near his corvette….silence as usual. Lies and corruption. “ I did not have sexual relations with that woman “. Remember that one on national television. I won’t even mention old bag Pelosi’s multi million net worth on a career civil servant salary. Insider trading? Whose coke in the White House? Surprised you’re not blaming it on the black butler. Shall I post Bidens blatant lies throughout the years. All on film. Remember bye bye Biden. One who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.
  18. Nice try but the kool-aid is a democrat/liberal refreshment used by their electorate similar to Jonestown.
  19. For the Karens and Ken’s of America, you’re absolutely correct!
  20. Similar to the old bag Pelosi’s drive to impeach Trump.
  21. As bad as Biden is, it could be worse. Kamala Harris.
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