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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. 40 years in the Senate is nothing to be proud of. Especially when he’s accomplished nothing.
  2. Absolutely! At the time of the crime. Complete medical examination, police report immediately. DNA samples of both. Not 30 years, I repeat, not 30 years later! And I don’t buy into the BS that Trump and his lawyers are so powerful against that woman. No more/less powerful today than they were 30, repeat 30 years ago. Classic example Gold digging 101.
  3. Trump will appeal and the gold digger won’t get anywhere near that amount. Her chances of dying of old age are far greater than receiving hush money. Trumps businesses will continue and prosper. MAGA!
  4. Politically motivated is why it matters!
  5. Because DNA would have cleared Trump. Then the politically motivated kangaroo court would have to drop charges 🦯
  6. What a joke! But then smoking pot damages brain cells. You forgot much lower crime, decreased smash and grabs, an end to pushing people in front of subways. much lower percentage of the thugs entering stores and taking anything they want. $1000. or less, no use calling police. Of course we can’t forget those fine citizens of BLM and Antifa that wouldn’t harm a soul, now would they. Lest we not forget our fine citizens of major cities run by your Democrats. Homeless population, tent cities flooding the landscape the likes which have never been seen in our lifetime. Why work when the Dems keep giving away freebies. The list continues.
  7. Of course these judges are all liberal and biased and have no place on the bench IMO so the verbals are justified. BTW, I don’t classify them as attacks in the same way your types attack conservatives on these threads.
  8. And I have observed the hypocrisy of the liberals that love to give but can’t take the banter. Granted, I’m outnumbered here by the liberal facist that only want to give their opinion and we all better agree or be silenced. Let the banter continue!
  9. “Trump will be convicted on a bunch more crimes and he knows it....” Please, continue dreaming. Fantasy is a good escape from reality. I’ve been hearing this since he took office of the Presidency. Can you provide proof judges and witnesses are being “attacked “? I didn’t think so. I highly recommend that you and the others that share your philosophy book your appointments early with your shrinks before the mad rush on November 6th. While you’re at it, stock up on anti-depressants as the pharmacies will run out of stock quickly.
  10. Pocket change for Big Donny! Anyway she’ll get nothing close to that amount. And broke again within 2 years, looking for another scam. Gold digging 101.
  11. Another White Knight to the rescue. Or is it Captain Save a Ho?
  12. Did Biden do that again!!! I thought they rushed him off the stage when it happens.
  13. And bonbons? Don’t hate. The majority of women wind up with cats after blowing their awarded money $$$ at the Louis Vuitton shop.
  14. Wishful thinking but he just gets stronger. Going to take more than a few past their prime gold diggers to take away Trump Towers let alone his Florida estate. But let your daydreams continue.
  15. Of course I’m not a woman. Still, everything I posted is true. She’s past her prime and looking at a sofa full of cats, bonbons and Netflix so she needs a way to get rich quick. Why do they wait until decades later? Easy to do nowadays with an ambulance chasing lawyer and a liberal judge. They can’t stop going after Trump and he will never back down. Enjoy your cats!
  16. Just when you think it can’t get worse than Joe Biden as President. I stand corrected. It could be much worse if she has to assume the office.
  17. Kamala Harris, AKA Giggles : classic example when Affirmative Action overrides qualifications and ability. The first “Black, Indian, Indian background woman” ever appointed V.P. Joe Biden.
  18. Can’t take the heat? Too much pressure?
  19. Another gold digger trying to fund her retirement because she’s way past her marketing years. Quite common nowadays. Why didn’t she bring the charges up 30 years ago? She’s following the others doing the same exact tactics. Civil, not criminal says it all. All about $$$$.
  20. Yep, they know they’re losing more and more of the black vote so the Democrats have to look for and appease the illegals vote. No other country in the world would allow this. Not even Mexico.
  21. More hilarious than a monkey banging a football!
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