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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. The scenario you describe is the exception rather than the rule IMO.
  2. You assumed correctly. About 3x that amount easily. Some months more. No fan rooms, 60 baht cart meals, 7/11 beers, balloon chasing, living in an isolated upcountry village for me. Wouldn’t have moved here (9/3) if I couldn’t afford the same lifestyle as I did back in San Diego.
  3. Don’t know your age or physical condition but I would think 5 years in a mine would be hard on the body despite watching Crocodile Dundee. Most seem to be a hardy bunch. Especially assuming you’re over 50 as you stated you had a previous retirement visa. Was unaware that a kiwi could work in Oz but I suppose you’re part of the same empire. Forgive my ignorance on this matter.
  4. For anyone from the USA, the Consulate letter regarding monthly income are no longer issued or valid for retirement extensions. For several years now as I recall.
  5. What dates are these? I’ve never heard of this. I normally send between the 2nd and 5th of every month with the occasional supplement later in the month because transfers now take longer for some reason. Never had an issue about when I transferred money.
  6. You are correct. It’s ridiculous to me. What not to do: Burn your bridges back home by eliminating your property and bank accounts. Moving to Thailand while still having to work. Doing what? Working dead end jobs as a bar manager, “influencer”, blogger and then a Go Fund Me guru. Wasting away ones most productive years just to “Live the Dream”. Just look at the recent thread that mentioned the Aussie that’s looking for handouts to save his bar. BTW, I live here. But wouldn’t/couldn't if I had to work here to support myself. Which is why I waited until I could live here independently. Work and invest in the west. Spend in Thailand.
  7. Currently from XE. Funny how it usually drops around the first of the month whenever I send to my Thai bank,
  8. Why anyone uses this ridiculous method is beyond me. I happily pay the monthly transfer fees to send the monthly requirement (and more) amount needed for a retirement extension. Currently the minimum is 65,000 baht per month. Sent via WISE using “Long term stay in Thailand “. so the funds show as coming from abroad. I can use my money whenever and for whatever reasons I want.
  9. Real or not, it’s even worse “upcountry”.
  10. Impressive! Never new Thailand had so many Clark Gable, Cary Grant look alikes. Strange how I never see them along Soi Bukow. There it’s more like Nightmare on elm street or The walk of the living dead.
  11. I wouldn’t socialize with those types in my home country so I definitely wouldn’t in Thailand. Too many with the whining grumpy old men syndrome.
  12. I can see why his GF left this knuckle dragger. Open a bar! Another one that left whatever brain cells he had at the airport. Time to go home and work the mines. Another perfect reason not to socialize with the majority of expats.
  13. Understood, but I use the monthly transfer for the requirements for my retirement extension so I must use Long Term stay in Thailand so it registers as coming from abroad.
  14. Ah, so I’m not the chosen one after all!
  15. Sad to hear. Lesson learned. IMO any expat that can’t come up with 25k baht for his visa or whatever is a major red flag. A high probability he’s asking others for money for various reasons also. Avoid these types like the plague.
  16. Appears most are not having the same problem I am. While doing a little research it appears the intermediary bank in which the funds go to first has changed but others from the USA are not having the same issue. So I don’t what the problem is. I’ve even sent a email to WISE but can’t get a specific answer, only a generic reply to plan accordingly. Navy Federal Credit Union to Kasikorn. Average amount about $5k. Long term stay in Thailand. Never an issue in the past until several months ago. I suppose it’s the new normal.
  17. I’m curious if others that make WISE transfers from their USA Bank or Credit Unions to their Thai banks are having the same issues. Kasikorn is my Thai bank, however I don’t think that is the issue. In the past my monthly transfer as always arrived in seconds. Now it can take almost a week with the weekend included depending on the day I initially started the transfer. Always had the proper amount in my USA credit union. Never “bounced “ a check. This has been happening for several months now.
  18. How hard is it to park 20 meters away and just walk. Just lazy imo.
  19. Agreed with the above numerous posts but wasn’t sure if this was a suicide or just a lack of common sense by sitting on the balcony.
  20. Passport cards are accepted at the USA land borders only. Convenient is you live in San Diego, Arizona or Texas. They can also be used on Cruise ships entering the USA. Not allowed for flying internationally.
  21. How in the heck does this happen? Seems like every month one reads of this. Is there a uncontrollable force that makes people apparently sit on the balcony railing after a all night binge or simply enjoying a morning coffee. Ninth wonder of the world.
  22. For some, I guess living the dream wasn’t a dream after all. Imagine that!
  23. Hate to burst your bubble. November is still light years away in this political arena. As I recall in 2016 Hillary was leading in the polls and the rest is history. No doubt those same women, being women will change their minds several more times leading up November. Bottom line, it ain’t over until it’s over. November 7th will determine bragging rights for either side. By all means keep the dream alive!
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