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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Your crystal ball is murky as usual! Are you the amazing Kreskin?
  2. You don’t seem to understand. It’s not over yet.
  3. Totally irrelevant to the current climate. Been grocery shopping lately?
  4. Another brainwashed clueless liberal. You been living under a rock for the past 3 years?
  5. And your reaction is exactly what I expect from a Never Trumper…yawn.
  6. Yet is not now. I’ll cross that bridge whenever I need to. Providing a cop of my USA tax return is easily done if needed showing proof. One thing is certain, I’ll never pay a Thai income tax.
  7. Not at all but the question was to me and I am so I only concerned about what affects me.
  8. all the frothing I’ve seen so far are the previous comments, yours included.
  9. The kind of reactions I expected from a forum of 95% liberal <deleted>. At the time of the loans in which he paid back in full btw, the banks of course did their due diligence and ensured the properties were worth their value, much the same when I obtained a mortgage. No red flag at that time until Trump is running for office. Coincidence?, I think not. If he wasn’t running none of these BS charges would even appear.
  10. Years of visiting and now living here most of the year I can honestly say I’ve never come close to “falling” off a balcony. Despite enjoying a Bacardi coke or three while enjoying the view.
  11. If you’re talking about Thai income tax, there is no requirement to pay if pension income as I’ve already paid USA taxes on it.
  12. All I can say is when I send via WISE from the USA I send in USD. By the time it reaches my Thai bank it’s been converted to Thai baht somewhere along the way. Not exactly sure but I believe my Thai bank makes the conversion into baht before posting to my account.
  13. did you use “long term stay in Thailand” from the drop down menu on WISE? If you did and not showing as coming from abroad you should have this discussion with your Thai bank.
  14. Agree the father is a dirt bag for abandoning his own children. Fairly common with both farang dirt bags and Thai men also. Poor or not, no excuse for the way the women keeps house. Both parties to blame imo.
  15. buying what? Talking about transfers of funds for retirement extensions.
  16. My Thai bank, Kasikorn shows the money coming from abroad when using WISE and Long term stay in Thailand from the drop down menu. I send every month, sometimes twice so that eliminates the chance of losing my retirement extension. Every year they print out the statement showing the monthly transfers and it goes with the rest of my documents to immigration. Never had any problems. If your bank doesn’t show coming from abroad I would inquire as to why or change banks. If I were to open a second bank account it would be with Bangkok Bank.
  17. “How can this be true if the funds are already in Thailand for your international transfers? “ The funds should not be in Thailand already. That’s the point of transfer from ones country to ones Thai bank account and show as coming from abroad.
  18. JimTripper, perhaps you’ve been on a few too many trips yourself. Stress from flying? No tissue? Bull<deleted> or Bullocks depending on wherever you’re from. I’ll put my money on the tweaker was under the influence of meth or coming down off a binge.
  19. Yep! I like it, can afford it so I buy what I like. Sure, could of bought 2 Hondas at that price but I didn’t want a Honda. Nuff said,
  20. After years of renting Hondas a few years ago bought my beloved Vespa. Never looked at another Honda again. 134.00 baht plus about 15k in accessories. Love it.
  21. The $7,00 will be spent on elephant pants so she can fit in panhandling with her backpack friends. They’ll also look cool when she starts e-begging on Utube along with setting up her gofundme account.
  22. The earth is just fine. Been around for over 4 million years. Ice ages, tidal waves. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, dinosaurs, etc etc. Mankind industrialized era about 200. Greta Thunberg, an “expert “ about 21 years. The earth will be around much longer after we are long gone. Green is nothing but a money $$$$ machine going after the emotions of the ignorant.
  23. Another Brit. Why am I not surprised. At least he had the sense to leave Thailand after he blew all his money, unlike others. Won’t see him begging on the sidewalk for awhile.
  24. Man made climate change. Biggest hoax since snake oil. But if you must put blame, I’ll blame Al Gore and John Kerry’s Gulfstream.
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