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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. What’s in store for the Trump haters?
  2. Nice try but we all know who is being sworn in January 20th. Hint: it ain’t Harris.
  3. Not proud of what America has become under Biden. Proud of what America will become under Trump. Make America Great Again!
  4. This one. 312/226 Icing on the cake was watching Harris confirm to Congress. That had to hurt.
  5. A day of infamy? Only for the Trump haters. The rest of America could care less, evidenced by the 2024 landslide election. It's all the haters have left.
  6. It’s about time. It does have a nice ring to it. Best of all it will compromise Biden’s sabotage of America's oil and gas industry in his final days.
  7. Meanwhile Biden continues to sabotage the Trump administration but Trump will overcome the worst President in U.S. history.
  8. Which is more than you ever had.
  9. Many of you UK types sound like Trump supporters in America. This particular incident is just one of what has happened in America COULD and has happened in the UK.
  10. That wouldn’t of answered your question honestly.
  11. “Where else in the world could that happen” Read carefully 2 or 3 more times. You appear confused. The key word is “COULD”. Not has happened.
  12. Lights are on. No one is home.
  13. Valid point. Let’s say Biden influenced.
  14. As usual. Deflection is your middle name.
  15. Perhaps someone poisoned the dogs as a vendetta for the owner being the village pric-.
  16. Trust me, we’ll see these guys again very soon. Thanks Joe!
  17. “Nobody gives a F.” Correct!
  18. “most posters seem American posters posting like or dislike Trump” The reality is most of the posters you claim are non Americans equal to or greater than the Americans
  19. And you would be speaking reasonable Japanese now along with your reasonable Thai if not for the U.S. Reasonable trade off IMO.
  20. The joys of “village life “ and total immersion In Thai society. So much for Living the Dream in the Land of Smiles. Some aren’t smiling anymore.
  21. And now Biden continues to wreak havoc in his final days by releasing 11 Gitmo terrorist detainees. If they hurry, Biden will allow them to sneak into the USA at the Southern Border before he leaves office.
  22. So you don’t have an accurate answer. That’s why you deflect. Your standard response.
  23. Yeah right! Same as US political threads are for Americans only. When you practice what you preach, so will I.
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