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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. How many of the “beaters” were FBI planted? Why were none arrested?
  2. The lights are on but no one’s home.
  3. So. Have they committed some crime?
  4. Surprised again. Not a reply from the most knowledgeable and highest educated Australian of the forum.
  5. You have nothing. What’s next. Joe Biden wasn’t the Big Guy?
  6. Unlike leftists who lie and are hypocrites ALL the time?
  7. Real men pay for the date with their wives or GF’s or whoever. Only chumps will insist on the women pay or go dutch/split.
  8. Well, why the cover up FBI?
  9. And authorized for the pipe bomb. Immune from prosecution. Not surprised.
  10. Immune from prosecution.
  11. 24/7! What a way to live.
  12. FBI informants who were planted in the crowd by Biden’s DOJ never to be arrested.
  13. The OP doesn’t want to read this article. He would rather ask the forum for “donations “.
  14. The reference was to Afghanistan. Not what happened in NOLA. I suppose it was too much at once for you to comprehend.
  15. Appears not enough. Tell him to reach a little deeper into his pockets filled with US cash.
  16. So why are you asking us on the forum? Perhaps Zelensky can sell his yacht and use that money to free POW if negotiations have failed. Why have negotiations failed for the POW swap?
  17. Why is it I never or rarely read a post on the Australian threads by the most knowledgeable and highly educated Australian of the forum @Lacessit ??? His journalism awards alone is enough evidence that his input could be beneficial for all Australians on all subjects under the bright Australian sun.
  18. Why should he? You certainly haven’t nor confirmed your nationality.
  19. “for the next 4 years “ Good. Time to post on the Australian threads and see how long they’ll tolerate you.
  20. Trump was not the President. Biden was at the time and the buck stops with him.
  21. I am surprised they allow a scam on the forum.
  22. The families of 13 servicemen killed in Biden’s botched withdrawal will see things differently.
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