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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. You’ve shared information but proven nothing about where the money goes. Specially , what about my post doesn’t make sense to you? So every POW will come back and haunt us Russians? I’m not Russian and I would estimate 98% of the forum isn’t Russian. Why have you not used “Go fund Me”? Too traceable? Why isn’t diplomacy working in this particular matter (POW release)?
  2. Bob is American Retired submarine sailor..
  3. And he leaves it all for Trump to resolve. Leftists doing what leftists do
  4. Your quote was Muslim, not Taliban
  5. Appears you didn’t read “Recent convictions of Muslims”.
  6. Only a fool would compare the two.
  7. Does the Taliban represent all Muslims ? Answer that and you will answer your own question.
  8. Only Rosie O’Donnell and Liz Cheney.
  9. RE normally is a good investment. Location dependent/market conditions. Provides shelter. A well diversified stock portfolio long term can also be good investment. Note long term. Bonus is my portfolio doesn’t require new paint, furniture, new air conditioners, roof, water heaters or property taxes or the possibility of problem tenants. Downside is I can’t eat or sleep in my portfolio.
  10. If Ukraine and Russia agree to the release POW on both sides in exchange I don’t see the need for private donations. If the Russians are indeed asking for cash to release the POW then that’s an issue for diplomatic resolution by both countries. Not us. Your second request. While I could be mistaken I don’t recall ever reading about other POW from other wars requesting what you are requesting. This is reminding me more and more of celebrities on late night TV asking for monthly donations to sponsor poor bloated stomach children in impoverished countries. God only knows where the money goes once the money is paid. Will the donors get a photo and bio of the POW they helped release? Just like the bloated children donors receive
  11. I also own the ones you have. Not individually but the entire market. I much prefer that concept. Vanguard Total Stock Market (Index). If you’re asking forum members for stock advice why not just use Forbes dart board method.
  12. “The Mag 7 have made me a lot of money the past 2 years.” Curious about the 2 years before that.
  13. You should have no problem getting an accurate answer on the forum. More “geniuses” here than anywhere in the world. If you’re not sure who I’ll be happy to recommend a few based on their posts that only a genius is capable of.
  14. For someone so “educated “, what is it about the fact the terrorist was US born has you confused with immigration? Last week it was H1B’s that had Never Trumpers one step short of a coronary Now. you make up this BS. Just to take a cheap shot at Trump. Leftists doing what leftists do. Plenty of active Australian threads. Maybe you should post where you belong. Be warned. They most likely will not welcome you with open arms.
  15. Similar to the View Talay 6 (most popular) jumpers that don’t even bother to don a chute.
  16. I suppose since losing the election (even as a non USC) that this news brings at least some satisfaction to you. I certainly wouldn’t get too excited too soon. The case still has to go through the appeals process. When will Trump pay the 5 million? No jail time? Will Carroll have to pay back mega millionaire or billionaire? Reid Hoffman for financing her lawyers? That could take up most of the 5 million. Pity.
  17. Do you have statistics to support your opinion that Trump will ban Muslim immigration?
  18. That’s 15 seconds of my life I can never get back.
  19. Been reading some on “Spinal Decompression “ It’s a machine that has proven effective for many. Not sure if available in Thailand.
  20. All the evidence of “no hope “ is your posts
  21. The enemy within. One less individual for Biden to commute the sentence of or pardon.
  22. If you read my previous post another 3 to 4 times you might comprehend what I said. But then, maybe not.
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