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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. Can't do that with your retirement visa account
  2. My friend passed with no will. 3 years later they are still working with lawyers to sort things out. Ugh.
  3. My wife had power of attorney for my mother's bank account. Even with that, it was difficult to get the money out after she died, which she obviously didn't tell them that she had! Luckily, she withdrew all the money. Wills are very difficult here. I'd contact your embassy and find out what she has to do in case.... The US embassy was SUPER helpful. Absolutely fantastic during such a difficult time. Also, start researching where you want to be burned. There is a huge difference in price!
  4. Right. When he doesn't, he confuses Haley with Pelosi and goes on a tirade of misinformation.
  5. I was the host for this past Saturday. It was an awesome event with many very good musicians. The jam is pretty much every Sunday, but on Saturday now because a few museos from Colorado are here. If you want to see the pictures and find out about upcoming events, look for the Facebook group: Bluegrass Underground Bangkok A great group of people and very talented musicians. Saturdays are normally a few sitting around doing folk and country music. Last Saturday was incredible. This Saturday won't be as big, but still great.
  6. If in an accident in Italy or Greece and you don't have an IDP, it's a big deal and your insurance might be invalid. If stopped by the police, a big fine might happen.
  7. Greece and Italy require an IDP. Can't rent unless you have one.
  8. My friend just got banged up by a drunk scooter taxi guy. Both Ended up in the hospital for stitches.
  9. With respect to the victim. Riding a bike at night on a very busy road during the rain here is suicide. Heck, it's dangerous at any time.
  10. The only thing that matters now is will he go to jail for the fraud....and how much will he have to pay. Pretty expensive for a short time.
  11. Real estate fraud. Just one of thousands of cases. We call it cooking the books. Exactly what Trump did. Improperly value property for better loans and insurance. Hardly hilarious.
  12. What he calls fake news are really just negative reports about him. Not fake at all. Just a narcissistic man child with a damaged ego. Killery? Really showing your colors there.
  13. Nor on any busy road here in Thailand. Not worth the risk.
  14. Perhaps you should research the Spanish flu. Making yourself look foolish. Along with the other comments.
  15. Just because we don't like Trump doesn't mean we like Biden. Both have flaws. But Trump supporters are unable to be critical of their cult leader.
  16. I was involved with it a bit. And know some who got stung. Happens all the time. Do a Google search. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/loan-officer-sentenced-54-months-prison-role-mortgage-fraud-scheme-resulted-more-92-million
  17. A variation of the Spanish flu is still with us. You know that. Right?
  18. Deniers push that the point of the vaccine is to prevent getting the disease. It's also to prevent the severity if you do get it.
  19. Another conspiracy theory. Boggles my mind as to how anyone would fail for them. Many estate agents and loan officers went to jail or paid fines for the late 2000's real estate crash. Fraud.
  20. I don't support destroying anyone, unlike Trump. I do support upholding the law. Break it, pay the price.
  21. This isn't news. Trump and his lawyers try to dismiss and delay every court case against him. And so they should. That's their job.
  22. You know they've drank the kool-aid when their references are political, like Ran Paul. Seriously? The Daily Caller? My gosh.
  23. Reactions to vaccines are not uncommon. The 2nd shingles was terrible. But. Rather that than get the virus. Better odds that way.
  24. Not trusted media sites and not Fauci. Dodgy media outlets like Fox and social media? Absolutely lots of misinformation. I don't really trust any information from companies with vested interests. Kinda bizarre to label them biased. Of course they are!
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