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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. Lost the plot....I fact check everything. Unlike MAGA cult members. Trump doesn't want them to know the truth. Hard to have a discussion with Trumpers as they deal in alternative facts.
  2. There are several very good fact checkers. The ones who complain about them typically deal with dodgy information. As dictated by the dodgy media sites and politicians
  3. It was a consultation and freezing of a few spots. Damage done by the sun but not skin cancer. Yet. 3.600 Baht. Follow up in April if I feel the need. His English is literally perfect. I've seen quite a few doctors there over the years. Never a problem with English. Pretty much everyone there speaks English. Even the valet staff! 55555
  4. What a great doctor. I highly recommend him at Samitiev. No skin cancer and no current need for invasive procedures. Just froze the area and wait to see how things go! PARITAS SUKRIKET (Dermatologist)
  5. Again. You really need a better source for your news. Seriously. Total misinformation
  6. Totally misreading that graphic. Its got nothing to do with wind. Wow.
  7. I was there also. Facts don't lie. Look at the map. Jeez.
  8. Total misinformation. You really need a better source for your news. Seriously
  9. From a week ago. Look at all the fires in Cambodia. Use an app called Windy and you can see the pm2.5 and how it was being blown to KC.
  10. Gas prices are up all over the world. I'm sure you blame Biden for that. Again. Drank the kool-aid
  11. Did you read it? Obviously not. It was a big nothing burger due to GOP control of congress. Just like the 2 impeachments.
  12. Not trying to be rude. But in a taxi. Just Google fire map.
  13. I was just there. Could barely see the inland mountains. Our eyes were even burning. Glad you got some rain! Quite nice right now in jomtien
  14. Jeez. Just making a simple comment. No reason for the attack.
  15. Altruistic to a point for sure. Why do you think that is a bad thing? I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal.
  16. Sadly. People like him won't read from credible sources. They've drank Trump's kool-aid. Part of his propaganda. Probably being advised by the king of propaganda. Putin.
  17. The smoke from Cambodia is blanketing Koh Chang. The air was terrible due to the wind direction last week.
  18. A terrible assumption. Never been and never will be a dem. Impossible. Next? P.S I did read it. Thus my comment.
  19. Yes there is. Lots out there but almost all are behind pay walls.
  20. Bizarre anyone would use a phrase like that. Definitely deplorable.
  21. Exactly. Voting for a con man like Trump. Not the smartest thing to do. Sad a country like the US puts up candidates like what we have. Hopefully we can agree on this. But I doubt it.
  22. If we criticize Trump about anything, his cult members go crazy and throw all sorts of childish names at us. Being critical is ok. This was one person's opinion and as stated above, it's a hit piece. Not worth the read.
  23. 110% agree people should make a stand against injustice. Legally. The best way to solve this LONG standing problem is to vote out politicians who do nothing but complain and accomplish nothing. Like this loser. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/05/mitch-mcconnell-joe-biden-obstruction Mitch McConnell Vows to Block Biden’s Entire Agenda Just to Be a Dick The Senator from Kentucky is “100%” focused on obstructing anything that might actually help Americans.
  24. Again. Follow credible media outlets and read the Mueller report. You could also do a simple Google search. Not sure you can do this as you've really drank the propaganda kool-aid pushed by the far right.
  25. Wow! That's terrible. But as you say, the price we pay for sitting in the sun. My dermatologist said to avoid chlorinated pools also. I use to be in our pool some 6 hours a day! Dr appointment today. I'll report back later.
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