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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. Trump's not even religious! But sure knows how to fool those who are.
  2. Many more die from covid than the flu or common cold. Especially the unvaccinated. Fact.
  3. Wow. You seriously believe that? Turn off your news. Please.
  4. My wife was taken aside on a trip to Singapore from here. Asked to prove she had funds. Just opened her banking app and all was ok!
  5. Same as in this case...brought by the government.
  6. But not brought by victims. Just like this case.
  7. Jonathan Turley? Definitely not worth reading. Same with most of what you get from Fox.
  8. For those who have been vaccinated, you are absolutely correct. For the unvaccinated, covid is a killer. Especially for older folk, etc.
  9. Decide for themselves with misinformation? This is what's causing lots of problems. People thinking they know more than the professionals and posting it on social media. He's a conspiracy theorist. Not good for our society.
  10. Excellent information! Thanks!
  11. Same thing here in Thailand. One reason they moderate sites like this. Misinformation should be removed from the internet as some tend to believe it. With disastrous consequences.
  12. Next time, try that doctor at Samitivej. Really good. Cheap office visit for a second opinion.
  13. Opinion piece by Fox? Ain't worth the paper it's written on.
  14. My mistake! I sincerely apologize. Sincerely.
  15. BS. Divisive for sure. But not driven by big pharma.
  16. Sad some try to deny the severity of this pandemic https://en.vietnamplus.vn/covid19-cases-increase-in-thailand-after-new-year-holiday/275731.vnp Thailand is witnessing a rising number of COVID-19 cases after the New Year holiday, with those hospitalised up 7% on last week, according to an epidemiologist at Chulalongkorn University. The number of people reporting respiratory problems from the coronavirus disease also went up by 6.2% over the same period, the biggest increase in four months, said Assoc. Prof. Thira Woratanarat, a specialist in preventive medicine and epidemiology at the university’s faculty of medicine. Similarly, the number of COVID-19 patients who require breathing assistance rose 13.8%, he said, predicting that new cases are likely to remain around 4,243 - 5,893 per day this week.
  17. A vast majority of doctors and scientists around the world agree that the benefits vastly outweigh the side effects.
  18. He's peddling misinformation for profit. Jeopardizing people's lives. Hardly a good man and definitely not an expert on infectious diseases.
  19. Any info on this? I've had 3 and would like the updated one. Wife's mother just got it and spent a few nights in the hospital. Still struggling a bit a week later
  20. Your nitpicking on one detail that has been blown out of proportion by the far right. Rachel is hardcore. But generally truthful. Tucker Carlson use to make near 20 million a year and flew in his own private jet. And his lawyers admitted he lied! People who got fired and demoted were the ones lying. Like Tucker.
  21. Hardly unnerved by realities of diseases and their consequences. You could have left it at a picture is worth a thousand words. Bizarre.
  22. He's publishing misinformation and profiting off it. Shame on him
  23. I think very few swear that the vaccines are 100% safe. But most agree that they are effective. Some avoid them due to the massive amount of misinformation out there. Like this kook. Sadly, he makes a ton of money off his misinformation. And sadly, many fall for it and avoid the jab. Take advice from your personal physician, not kooks on social media.
  24. That's one of the things the doc asked me. Bleeding moles or spots
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