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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. The article was about sugarcane. Most farmers barely make a living.
  2. Definitely a combination of cars, construction, factories, and burning. That's well documented. Burning is everywhere. Every day.
  3. A lot of what they ask for is provided by Trump and Co. Even his accounting firm was duped! Ouch! https://abcnews.go.com/US/trumps-accounting-firm-resigns-financial-disclosures-longer-relied/story?id=82886011 Trump's accounting firm resigns, saying his financial disclosures should "no longer be relied upon" The firm informed Trump in a letter sent last week, according to a court filing.
  4. You are aware that this isn't political. Biden isn't involved at all. This is New York. Not the US government. Jeez.
  5. I opened an account with Schwab several years ago. Just need your name on some utility bills. But it's not the same kind of account you can get in the US. Can't trade in some financial instruments. Their credit card is great. Service is fantastic.
  6. Your saying he is being persecuted politically, not because he broke the law which requires him to pay taxes. Thus. You must be ok with the rich not paying taxes. Agreed. Treat everyone equally. P.S. this isn't about emails.
  7. Old ways? What is that? Bolshevik's? Doesn't make sense at all.
  8. So you are ok with the rich not paying their taxes? Come on....
  9. Ruled against Trump for good reasons. Don's a criminal.
  10. It's not political at all. It's called the law and nobody's above it. In fact, this proves how good the legal system is...more to follow.
  11. Yup. But most of us have known that for years if not decades. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/how-donald-trump-destroyed-his-empire-and-dumped-ruins-others-timeline/ How Trump Went Bust and Got Rich Using Other People’s Money: A Timeline He took on unsustainable debts, dumped them on others, and borrowed lots of family money along the way.
  12. True. If someone breaks the law it's not unusual to get hit with financial penalties. Especially here as it's just a civil case, not criminal. He's been proven guilty by a grand jury. Trump and his cronies aren't above the law.
  13. https://www.iqair.com/th-en/thailand To put it simply, the main offending factors involving Thailand (that are not entirely unique to this country but rather something that many countries around the world and in the regions share or suffer from) are the exhaust fumes from traffic, in particular older buses and trucks that still flood the roads countrywide and permeate the atmosphere with their polluting and heavily outdated engines. ....... On to the next offending phenomena, construction work is another culprit. Building sites use heavy machinery that runs on fossil fuels, emitting their own heavy amount of pollution and smoke, and the materials used in construction can produce a variety of different fine particulate matter with many that have toxic effects on our health, as well as industrial runoff that can find its way into the ecosystem via waterways or numerous other means.
  14. The air quality is horrible right now in Pattaya and surroundings. My wife's eyes burn and when we walk on the patio, the bottom of our feet get black. Wifey even mops every other day. Terrible. Mostly due to bad air from Bangkok. But definitely lots of burning going on around here.
  15. I've got an appointment with the doc who does Mohs at Samitivej next week. Fingers crossed!
  16. An interesting read. https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/tangled-problem-sugarcane-burning-thailand With wealthy owners of sugar companies holding the balance of power in this industry, the Thai government, as a Thai financial sector consultant asserted, has taken "a kid gloves" approach to environmental governance since "setting back billionaire families is not exactly this government's priority." Because the Thai government neither provides any financing or other mechanisms to encourage non-burning methods of disposing of agricultural waste nor does it stipulate a minimum wage for cane cutters, smallholders with fluctuating incomes and ongoing production costs are forced to pollute their own homelands. Rather than offer sustainable livelihood alternatives, such as subsidizing the use of machinery to clear excess biomass, the government tends to comply with the requests of agribusiness companies and farmer groups to relax the percentage of burnt sugarcane that they can then legally sell.
  17. Plenty of other media outlets. I never watch the news. Nor read the post. Too biased.
  18. Most people do. You probably rarely hear criticism of Trump due to your choice of media outlet.
  19. It's not up to Putin if Ukraine joins NATO. It's up to the Ukrainians. But sounds like you prefer dictators over democracies
  20. What about Trump’s sharing of classified documents? Give him a pass?
  21. Legally? Wow. What a stretch. What about Trump’s hundreds of gaffes? Give him a pass?
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