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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. He's a first time offender. Won't get time. Though Martha Stewart did.
  2. And how many did Trump pardon, including his son's father? How many of Trump's inner circle were put in jail while he owned the DOJ? Remember Barr quitting rather than deal with Trump's lies? Since you don't read proper news outlets, you probably don't know about this. Echo chamber for you
  3. Venezuelans win lots of beauty contests. You're definitely looking at the wrong websites!
  4. Perhaps you've looked at the wrong website.
  5. Did it for years. No problems. Only issue is if you want to move back home. The insurance will be in her name so you won't have a driving record and insurance will be expensive. This just happened to me.
  6. Why? We were only there for a week but found it ok. Just not cheap!
  7. Most Filipinos I've met were dying to leave there. Way better in Thailand and no typhoons! LOL
  8. I bet it's fantastic there for that. I spent most of my life in northern climates. Trying to avoid it now. 😆
  9. Have you spent much time in Cambodia? Definitely not a great place to live. Health care is terrible.
  10. Couldn't find it on Faux News. Wonder why? She knows Trump better than any of us here. Interesting what he calls his supporters. Wake up sheeple! https://youtu.be/vfOjaVjn2kk?si=wU9W2LSUYtRuetBE
  11. Climate is a big issue. Currently in Scotland and it's fantastic. Though a bit cool and some rain. For sure don't want to be in the UK during the winter! And because of climate change, don't want to be in southern Europe during the summer. But loving Scotland. Clean air, drinkable water, great produce, sane drivers. Out for another 10k walk today. Loving it here right now
  12. There are quite a few alternatives that aren't in Asia. Digital nomad visas abound and some require little proof that you are one. I've got friends who've gotten them in Spain for 3 years, another in Croatia for 1 year. Portugal use to be good but the tax laws changed, so no longer good. Greece has a golden visa with the purchase of property. France has a retirement visa that's pretty easy to get and you end up with pretty decent health care. I got tired of the bad air, water, polluted seas, terrible traffic. Still love Thailand and will return one day. But for now, exploring Europe and the UK. Loving it here. Serbia is quite nice. Though a bit cold in the winter!
  13. Illegal immigration has been an issue for decades. Regan campaigned on fixing it. Now? It's a dog whistle for the right so gop politicians can get votes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986
  14. “President Trump can win this election. His policies are good for America, and if you have a policy debate for president, he wins. Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election,” Graham told Welker. “I’m looking for President Trump to show up in the last 80 days to define what he will do for our country, to fix broken borders, to lower inflation,” Graham added. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/lindsey-graham-trump-provocateur-showman-may-not-win-election-rcna167060
  15. Good gosh. She's had a career 99.99% of Americans dream of. Better than you or I.
  16. Harris has a solid education and a fantastic career. Trump was billionaire daddy's boy. A grifter and con man. Why are you on the far right so hung up on trans bs. I bet you've barely run into any. Unless you are living in Thailand!
  17. Faux News. Not worth reading
  18. What? That makes no sense at all
  19. Come on. You can't really believe this. Find another source for your information. Please
  20. Ya gotta be kidding me. Trump is for sure an idiot. Harris is far from that. Why would you think that? Bizarre
  21. About time the US stops supporting Israel. Trump sure dd. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44120428 Jerusalem embassy: Why Trump's move was not about peace In this case, his base also lobbied hard for the move. That included right-wing American Jews whose message was amplified by the conservative orthodox Jews dominating Mr Trump's inner circle. It also included evangelicals whose voice was amplified by the devout Christian in the White House, Vice-President Mike Pence. "God decided Jerusalem was the capital of Israel more than 3,000 years ago during the time of King David," I was told by Dallas evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress, who cited Biblical history. He and another leading voice in the pro-Israel part of the Christian world delivered prayers at the opening ceremony.
  22. Please, turn off your news sources. Good gosh
  23. You seemed to suggest that the tax cuts helped the middle class. They didn't. But Trump saved bigly.
  24. You really need a better source for your news https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver
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