Don't you get tired of being proven wrong? Crazy. But he sounds just like you. Blame the left for everything. You live in a bubble of hate and misinformation
Donald Trump falsely declared in a weekend rally that public health authorities are denying the COVID-19 vaccine to white people because of their race.
“The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating … white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine or if you’re white you don’t get therapeutics. … In New York state, if you’re white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health.”
Fact check: No evidence supports Trump's claim that COVID-19 vaccine result was suppressed to sway election
In the wake of the dramatic news of a potentially effective COVID-19 vaccine, President Donald Trump posted a flurry of tweets that claimed its makers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Democrats had conspired to suppress the announcement until after the 3 November presidential election. The U.S. company involved, Pfizer, "didn't have the courage to do it before," Trump asserted on 9 November. And FDA and Democrats, he wrote, "didn't want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later."