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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. https://vva.org/press-releases/vva-trumps-attack-on-gold-star-family-is-disgraceful-and-un-american/ VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family Is Disgraceful and Un-American (Washington, DC) – Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-partisan, war-time veterans’ membership and service organization that does not endorse or support political candidates at any level. “However, we cannot remain silent when a Gold Star family member is being publicly denigrated, ” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “It is especially reprehensible when that individual is seeking to become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of our nation. To lash out and disparage a family whose son gave his life defending this country is both shocking and disgraceful, ” said Rowan. And though Trump may never have spent a day in uniform, his disdain for the sacrifice of this young man and all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Constitution is singularly un-American.”
  2. Which media outlets are you referring to?
  3. Smart lady. “Her position has always been that you can both be tough and smart on crime, and it requires funding police, but it also requires funding rehabilitation and things that might criminal justice system safer. You can do both,” Landrieu told CNN’s Pamela Brown on “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.” “Our actions indicate that she wants to fund the police, but she wants to do the other things as well,” Landrieu said.
  4. Putin wants Trump to win. Try not lying.
  5. I just go after those who post misinformation. Sound familiar?
  6. And a convicted criminal, misogynist, con man, and overall horrible person. America deserves better. Stunning anyone likes him.
  7. Trump attacks anyone who doesn't agree with him. Horrible man
  8. https://www.cpasforexpats.com/post/us-thailand-tax-treaty Permanent Home Test: The first consideration is whether the individual has a permanent home available to them in one of the countries. If a permanent home is available in only one country, that country is generally considered the individual's country of residence for tax purposes. Centre of vital interests Test: If the individual has a permanent home in both countries or in neither country, the treaty looks at where the individuals center of vital interests lies, in other words, where they have a closer personal and economic interests. Habitual Abode Test: If the individual has a center of vital interests in both countries or in neither country, the treaty looks at where the individual has a habitual abode; in other words, where they live regularly. This could be where they spend more time or where they have a regular presence. Nationality Test: If the individual has a habitual abode in both countries or in neither, the next factor considered is nationality. If the person is a citizen of only one of the countries, that country is typically considered their country of residence for tax purposes. Mutual Agreement Procedure: In the rare case that the individual is a citizen of both countries or of neither, and the above tests do not resolve the issue of residency, the competent authorities of the United States and Thailand will determine the individual's residency through a mutual agreement, taking into account the person's facts and circumstances.
  9. Many other countries say even if you are not in the country for more than 183 days if you are in that country more than any other. You are a tax resident
  10. Huff Post? Good gosh. But yes. He made a blunder. A big nothing burger. Most things are way more important than this
  11. Some people fall for the misinformation. Sad
  12. I'm guessing these people felt like you. https://ourworldindata.org/influenza-deaths Globally, seasonal influenza kills an average of 700,000 people each year from respiratory disease or cardiovascular disease. During large flu pandemics, when influenza strains evolved substantially, the death toll was even higher.
  13. Keep going! Terrible troll post
  14. Only gullible brainwashed fools would ignore it...and call it a scam.
  15. One myth is if you are in a country less than 183 days you are not a rax resident. Depends.
  16. NY Post? What a rag. What draws you to these dodgy media outlets?
  17. My rich Russian friends have fled. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/13/more-than-15000-millionaires-expected-to-leave-russia-in-2022 More than 15,000 millionaires expected to leave Russia in 2022
  18. You sure? A lot of your responses seem to originate from Russian or Chinese propaganda. Your arguments are hardly coherent and never backed up with facts. Quite the opposite. Not following what bad grammar means. Perhaps you should turn off the divisive media outlets you follow
  19. Tell that to all those who still believe Trump won. Not very smart people
  20. Well put!
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