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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-russia-news-putin-nuclear-live-updates-kyiv-12541713 Russian is going harder now
  2. It is the truth. Been reported in western press too. You really don't know what's going on in Ukraine do you?
  3. Nothing to do with Russia.
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-disgrace-disaster-russia-ukraine-war-mark-levin Biden is a disgrace. Worst ever.
  5. Why are you talking about 2021? It is 2024. No wonder you are confused about the war. Ukraine is losing. What will an 82 or 83yo Biden do about it? Keep giving money. You seem to have no ideas on how Ukraine wins. Just Trump smearing.
  6. The Ukraine has been smashed https://visitukraine.today/blog/2361/what-losses-did-ukraine-suffer-due-to-the-russian-invasion-new-estimates-by-kse
  7. So your position is the army generals told Biden it was a stupid plan and Biden did it anyway? So Biden is an idiot who doesn't listen.
  8. Past history. Biden turns 82 soon. What's he going to do? Keep blaming Trump? Biden is an idiot and getting too old.
  9. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/20/us-spent-6point4-trillion-on-middle-east-wars-since-2001-study.html
  10. Imagine Thailand losing 18% to Myanmar then some left leaning person said Thailand is doing well. It's 1/5 of a country.
  11. Your source is left leaning. No wonder.
  12. Did Trump invade Ukraine or did Putin do it? Your posts are confusing.
  13. Because of 1 guy?
  14. https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-soldiers-worried-run-out-of-troops-russia-kyiv-independent-2023-10 Another 12 months Ukraine is going to struggle to hold ground with tired less troops.
  15. Not me. Just stating the facts. Russia is winning. America is losing money. Biden can't tie up his shoes. Mexican border is a mess. Your posts are a fact free zone.
  16. How old are you?
  17. Russia controls 18% of Ukraine.
  18. "China, India and Brazil are buying Russian oil in record quantities" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/politics/russia-war-anniversary-sanctions.html
  19. Russia will win. That's the reality. They will either take half or all.
  20. Post some proof of this. Explain why an 81yo Biden can deal with a 71yo Putin? Putin grinds Biden and the Ukraine in the dust. The Soviets made blunders in ww2 then learnt the lesson, regrouped and hammered the Nazis. They will do the same here. An 81yo guy who can't get dressed without help can't stop Putin.
  21. Russia isn't stopping. Biden won't be able to function much longer. The war could outlive Biden.
  22. Biden conducted the withdrawal. GOP have been pro war a lot. Lately they would rather save money. After 60 years of losing wars at least some people have a brain. Biden's brain doesn't work anymore.
  23. Whilst one hand is busy.
  24. Another Biden disaster yet they keep trying to blame Trump for Biden being out of his depth yet again.
  25. It's funny how old guys in Thailand think Trump is a loser. What do they think of Thai people? What do they think of themselves? Renting some 10,000 a month condo and they have the solutions to Ukraine? They have the solutions to Mexico. Why aren't they working in a lead UN role?
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