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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. These Biden fans will never admit the truth. An 82 to 86yo Biden will not stop Putin. If a guy can't tie his shoelaces he can't provide war solutions.
  2. 60 years of America losing wars. Grandpa Biden will change it all https://www.thenation.com/article/world/america-endless-war/
  3. Russia and China think 5,10,20 years ahead. Westerners are worried about pronouns. Putin will keep fighting the Ukraine for 5 to 7 years if he has too.
  4. The Americans are stupid. Look at Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. One mistake after another. Putin must be laughing his head off daily.
  5. Putin invaded Ukraine under Biden's watch. Hard to believe you don't know this
  6. How can an adult not know what's going on in the world and believe an 82 to 86yo is going to stop Putin Grandpa will stop Putin. Here's some money Ukraine oh wait I need to lie to Americans and hope I get the funds
  7. He stated in an interview he wants him to win
  8. The Ukraine is really close to the US Scary stuff.
  9. He likes Biden. Wants Biden to win. Harris even better.
  10. All Biden fans have. Their guy can't pull up his own socks or tie his shoes. So let's blame Russia.
  11. All you got are allegations and insults. Putin would love a weaker America.
  12. Because they want Harris?
  13. Looks a bit suspect. When I drove through it by accident I couldn't see any tourist attractions. The area nearby looked ok though. If the OP is interested in muay thai the Tiger Muay Thai gym looks really good.
  14. Get Harris? Putin would love Harris to be in charge.
  15. Is he a confirmed liar?
  16. The story is about allegations. These allegations are 7 years old.
  17. They don't. The Republicans do.
  18. Drove through it. It did not look interesting to me. Lots of students on motorbikes. Nothing to see.
  19. Compared to proper restaurants? I find that hard to believe.
  20. It gets worse. March is the worst month.
  21. Putin loves Biden. The guy can't even pull up socks. Means Putin has more world power.
  22. Biden wears slip on shoes no socks. Can't even pull up socks. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/joe-biden-skechers-socks-sneakers-debate-b2372626.html
  23. Can you tie up your shoes? Biden
  24. The American public only has itself to blame. They voted for a guy who apparently cant tie up his shoes or do nothing else.
  25. Biden tied his shoes Vote 1 Biden
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