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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Korea war disaster Vietnam disaster Iraq disaster Afgahistan disaster When is America going to learn?
  2. Nothing to do with the US. War crimes happen in Africa a lot.
  3. Man brain says I want sex and beer. Woman brain says how can I get a free house?
  4. Attacking the messenger is a distraction from the real issues. It's deflection. Either the message is accurate or it's not. It doesn't matter who delivers the message if it is objective and can be verified.
  5. Have you done this before? Not that interesting. Probably bad for joints doing too much kicking.
  6. Marxists view most people as far right. Lots of centreists get labelled far right now. That's how they view the world.
  7. The working class likes Trump. The elites, wokes, marxists and decaf latte drinkers don't. Trump is ahead in the polls because the working class like him. Posting fear mongering stuff on the internet won't change it. The working class want him back.
  8. Like your posts.
  9. Obama is a marxist, the voters are marxists. They support their own. I would have Trump 20 places in front of Obama. Obama was bad for the unemployed, bad for wages and ignored the blacks. Trump 20th. Obama 41st, Biden 46th. Correct placings based on actual important things for the people.
  10. Haley wants to do the same things as Biden.
  11. Obama had unemployment above 8% for over 3 years. That's just awful.
  12. Obama did a terrible job. Went from 6.9 to 9.9 quickly.
  13. Which proves you have no idea. It hit record highs of 9.9%. So logic tells you a bigger fall is possible. Do you not think logically about the numbers? Everyone knows going from 4.8 to 3.5 is harder than going from 6.1 to 4.8. Only a fool doesn't know this.
  14. Obama had 4.8 to 9.9% unemployment. 8 years and failed to get it low.
  15. Not according to actual facts. Nobody cares about marxist views.
  16. What achievements do you have? What is your state of health? How could you not know how corrupt Pelosi is? The correct word is drunk. A sober person knows how to write drunk.
  17. What were the underlying factors? How old were they? Do you ride in cars on Thai roads?
  18. Not at all. 4.8% when Trump took office down to 3.5% in 2019. Trump smashed Obama on the unemployment numbers in half the time.
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/aug/14/gore-vidal-gripped-a-nation This guy is your idol?
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