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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. You need to do some reading on acceptable unemployment levels instead of focusing on a pretty graph which shows very high unemployment for Obama for 8 whole years. 5.7% is the long term average unemployment rate. Obama had it higher for most of the time. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_unemployment_rate
  2. Last time America really won a war. They were outstanding in WW2. Since then so many wars that they never won.
  3. Yes unemployment rose in 2020 due to a pandemic. High for Trump was 6.3%. High for Obama was 9.9%. So Trump did far better than Obama. 3.6 points is a huge margin. Why don't you compute the quarterly averages? It won't look good for your Obama guy.
  4. No one form of marxism or socialism or capitalism. I guess you never studied any of this at an academic level. You don't have any academic qualifications in political science or economics do you? I can tell by your presentation of a pretty graph which shows how poorly Obama did on unemployment. You falsely believe a fall from 9.9 to 5.8 is good when it's mostly just cyclical and still far too high. Presidents should be aiming for under 4% unemployment.
  5. High the whole time. Never got close to 4.5% in 8 years. Not a good job as he spent most of the time engaged in wars and doing carbon credit deals for his elite friends. Nothing for the poor or working class. A lot of blacks don't like him for good reason. For about 3.5 years the unemployment rate was above 8% which is very poor management of the economy. Definately the worst President since Nixon until Biden arrived.
  6. Like MAGA?
  7. Here's some reading for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Marxism
  8. Look it up. Usually explained.
  9. You are posting rubbish. He lowered unemployment from 4.8 to 3.5 in 2019, a 50 year low. Obama had it 4.8 to 9.9. Obama was the con man who engaged in war non stop and lots of unemployed back home.
  10. I think her husband did the trading. She gave him the inside information.
  11. So you picked 1 poll and ignored the others
  12. So you want an 86yo President? That's the worst option of all time.
  13. 11 Presidents on this list moved 4 or more places in the 2015 to 2024 period. That's not impossible using the same objective criteria. These left leaning historians must drink tea and make up their own criteria and it changes yearly.
  14. The rankings are a joke. Guys going up or down 9 places since 2015. On page 1.
  15. Most polls have Trump in front. Biden is less popular than the last 4 Presidents that lost a second election. Have you thought about being more objective? Just hating on Trump means you ignore the actual data.
  16. Obama went from 16th in 2015 to 7 in 2024. These rankings are a joke. On page 1 in the link.
  17. Jackson went from 9th to 21st over the past 9 years. How does that work? A different set of subjective opinions. If the data was objective he could only go up or down a maximum of 2 places.
  18. I doubt that. In a 2 horse race Trump is leading. A lot of Trump voters don't go public with their views due to hatred.
  19. Post a link to this claim
  20. No she will be gone soon. Biden is so unpopular, not sure why anybody would support him.
  21. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-less-popular-last-4-presidents-who-failed-win-second-term-1856574 So Biden should be ranked 46th.
  22. Her poll numbers are too low.
  23. He is ahead in the polls so non working class must like him as well.
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