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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Mexico would have been better. They seem fairly straight and it's easier to go back home.
  2. Remember when people played scrabble and trivial pursuit for fun? Followed by pizza and dessert. Not anymore.
  3. Trump was a mid range President. Bush was bad then Obama was worse now it's Biden as the worst. So American's haven't learnt much about voting for the right guy.
  4. Marxists believe in a classless society and working for the common good. But there is no common good apart from survival which is why tribes still have chiefs living in a jungle.
  5. It will get worse then won't improve until after songkran.
  6. The guys will tell their mum it is drugs and peer pressure.
  7. They have been watching too much porn.
  8. Book a hotel with swimming pool nearby the airport. There is also a Central Mall there.
  9. Did they go to church the next day?
  10. I have a friend who bought a cabin for $12,000 in a caravan park. Pays $147 a week in fees. He is spending $20,000 to renovate it then it's worth $60,000 to $70,000. So his fees are lower than any rent and his outlay on the cabin is cheap.
  11. Is he? If he died what would you talk about? You seem to worry about Trump more than anything else.
  12. All you do is abuse people who disagree with you. Talking up a guy who had 4.8 to 9.9 % unemployment then trashing a guy who lowered it to 3.5%. You are just writing one sided trash.
  13. Who's on 1st base? No Who's on 2nd base, What's on 1st base.
  14. Why did he take 3 back but only choose 1? Size contest?
  15. Is the one facing life in prison disappointed? He got the worst sentence.
  16. They signed a treaty with Japan in ww2. They would do the same with China. Iran is all bark and no bite. Russia is fairly weak. Only China and North Korea combined would be a danger to the west but they are all bark and little bite too. These dictators don't want a major war. They want an easy life and just flex their muscles for show. They get nice cars, full security and women.
  17. So say the people who invest in military equipment then create wars on purpose to profit from it. Thailand is safe. Friends with China, Russia and the US.
  18. Nobody blamed Trump yet or Taksin.
  19. Never heard anyone complain about Fox News or Trump before. Very original of you
  20. Yes Biden has done a good job on unemployment so he gets 1 tick. But he gets crosses on inflation, border control and dealing with wars. So 1/4 satisfactory level. Trump got 4/4 ticks.
  21. "Many socialist countries base their politics on the Marxist-Leninist model created by the Soviet Union. Because of this, some of these states are erroneously thought to be communist states by the world at large." https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/socialist-countries
  22. Compared the average of 5.7% Obama did a poor job. Above 8% for 3.5 years.
  23. What academic qualifications do you have in political science or economics?
  24. Go study political science and economics. You are a grown up aren't you?
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