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Posts posted by coventry

  1. I live out in the sticks and finding someone good to look at my computer are few and far between. I checked my computer and it's an AMD Phenom. Triple core processor. 2.1GHZ 768 MB of RAM. I tried explaining the problem to one guy who just said he couldn't find the problem. Suggesting too many people were using the web.

  2. I'm not computer literate so please bare with me.

    My directX version is 9.0c, not v9 or v10

    I'm using Microsoft XP professional and my memory is 768 MB RAM from what I can make out. But underneath that it says"Page File 613MB used, 1261MB available". I haven't a clue what that means.

  3. I have a relatively new computer and basically use it for writing Emails. When I start to write them all appears to be normal, but as the Email gets longer the letters don't keep up with the pressing of the keys. So after a few paragraphs the whole thing more or less freezes and becomes usless. I save it to draft and continue the Email at a later time and go through this process until the Email is finished.

    Does anyone else have/had this problem ? If so, is it correctable ? It happens on Yahoo and Google. It doesn't do it while writing this. I have cleaned my hard drive and have stacks of room on it. Thanks

  4. As an explanation for the move, it is all to do with numbers of 'farangs' using the immigration services. Apparently, there are only 150 expats living within the Surin and Buriram provinces doing visa extensions and 90-day reports whereas there are over 400 expats living in the province of Korat.
    Based on those figures Kap Cheong is used by one farang every couple of days, or so, whereas Korat gets just over one farang per day. Anyone that has used both offices, myself included, know they're talking <deleted>.
  5. This information is from the horse's mouth, so to speak, and was provided from an Immigration Officer at Kap Cheong. So there you have it - Immigration Services will be provided through the Korat Immigration Centre WEF 1st October 2009. :):D :D

    I do believe that that "Horse's Mouth" gives out differing information depending upon the current weather conditions and the time of the month!



    Nice one Yorkie. Fingers crossed that the 'Horse' gets put in a different stable


    I was informed today that the Kap Cheong office is to close at the end of this month. They said they were moving to Korat but haven't found suitable offices as yet. I didn't get round to asking if that meant there would be 2 immigration offices ? A thing that wouldn't surprise me.

  7. I took a letter with a pre addressed envelope to be posted today. The destination, on the envelope, was UNITED KINGDOM. I was asked to delete UNITED KINGDOM as they had never heard of it. I was asked to change it to ENGLAND. No wonder the first letter never arrived. Bless them. I wonder where it ended up ?

  8. I wouldn't have wasted my time reading the post since the topic is not of interet to me. There are two lines in the title portion for each post, and that allows at least a hint for all the folks reading this forum.
    How did you know you wasted your time until you read the post ?

    As for my original queery I've located a supply. For those interested it's Thaihealth

    1st Floor,

    Smart Brain Building,

    1st Road,

    Pattaya. 20260

    For those not interested in this topic please ignor this post . Thanks

  9. I thought i read somewhere that if you hold the chanote and pay the yearly rates for ten years without complaint from the owner it can be changed.
    You should read The National story about it. The name on the Sor Por Kor title deeds can only be changed up on the named persons death.

    I've been told that Thai people know this but still buy SPK land. So basically if a SPK land becomes Chanote at a later date then there's nothing that can be legally done if the person on the title papers refuses to sign the papers over. So I believe.

  10. My Wife tells me Sor Por Kor cannot be sold.

    Can be sold between agreeing parties but not legal or ratified by the land Office.

    I've just been reading the "The National" in politics, dated June 10, 2009. It states "Sor Por Kor land can't be bought". I believe the quote comes from the 'Agriculture Land Reform Office'. So this makes me wonder how all these people, on this forum, claim to have bought 'Sor Por Kor' land ?
  11. You should realize that the sin-sod is far more important to her and her family then it is to you.
    I'm sorry to have a downer on you 'Kenai' as you sound a nice bloke, but if it's "more important to her and her family than it is to you" then let her pay it. Love is a 2 way thing. But love really doesn't come into it in Thailand it's the ability to 'support', that's the most important thing. Love usually comes later in my opinion. The same as in arranged marriages.
  12. I think the transfer fee depends on the type of title on the land?

    My FIL's land is Sor Por Kor (land granted to them by the government many moons ago). Apparently SPK land cannot be sold and must be handed on to the descendents of the original grant recipient. They have now subdivided for the 7 children and MIL was complaining recently about the high cost of the fees aat the Land Office. It was 200 baht per package (total 1,400 baht)!

    I agree with you 'goinghomesoon' in that "Sor Por Kor land apparently cannot be sold and ................", but it is where I live. I'm yet to find out how they flout the law ?
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