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Posts posted by coventry

  1. from outside, it does look "uncertain", whatever the reality is.


    "The reality is" that the OP doesn't live in Thailand and therefore the understanding of life in general here, other than what the wife tells him, is limited. Otherwise he wouldn't be asking the question.
  2. . In the army I worried about my men, now I worry about my family.
    What a stupid statement. In a combat zone one worries whether about oneself and about others, but Thailand isn't a combat zone. Hence why I said before, 'just cause you're American, not everyone wants to kill you' or words to that effect. Calm down Thailand ain't Iraq. I've been a soldier myself, but you are paranoid.
  3. Bumrungrad started natural and ended in c-section. C-section package 64k including 3 nights stay. Total bill was 70k when you add birth certificate translations and certifications from MFA and my room service meals etc etc...

    Kids center is around 1000 to 1500 to see the doc, vaccinations are extra i believe.

    Edit: BNH quoted better price than Bumrungrad and have heard good thing from friends using them.

    Please someone explain to me as to why farangs pay ridiculous amounts to private hospitals for their babies to be born ? If their wives were married to 'Joe Bloggs' of Isaan, then they'd use the government hospital, full stop. I asked my wife why farangs wives do this, and her reply was "prestige", on the wifes part. Vaccinations free in government hospitals.
  4. Thailand is unstable and highly dangerous especially for kids. If you really believe Thailand is safe for your kids then I must change my definition of profane :)

    What a KNOB. Change your definition of 'profane' and prove to all that I'm right.

    'Jonnymoretti' is spot on with his post. I too think the OP is "borderline paranoid". I think the reason is because most Americans are currently paranoid in believing that the rest of the world wants to kill them. I accept 'jonnymoretti' is American, but he's one of the few who that seems level headed.

  5. The OP intimates he is concerned with growing up. Maybe your just an easy going type of guy - best way I suppose :)
    I too am concerned about my childrens future and no I'm not "easy going". I see no more threats to my children, here in Thailand, than I do with anywhere else in the world. You can't wrap children in 'cotton wool' all the time, no matter where one lives. Thailand has it's faults but I choose to raise my children here. When they're old enough to understand then the choice is their's as wher they want to live.

    The OP specifically mention the 'coups' as if it effects peoples day to day life. Well it doesn't.

  6. I've got 3 under 18 months old and I'm not worried and I really can't understand why you are ?

    I would be worried even in America...it is called being a parent but in my country there isn't the constant threat of a coup every few years.

    As sentient being you are right to have concerns. Many dangers with youth culture - not to mention motorcycles, health risks, learning to think, formostly, like a ferang, poor education - even when paid for, to mention but a few.

    Ofcourse anyone having three under 18 months is quite profane - is that even possible :)

    Daughter just coming 18 months and twin boy and girl aged 4 weeks. What's your definition of 'profane'?
  7. I've got 3 under 18 months old and I'm not worried and I really can't understand why you are ?

    I would be worried even in America...it is called being a parent but in my country there isn't the constant threat of a coup every few years.

    There is no threat here. Who are you in fear of ? So the military have a coup how does that effect anything. I've only been here for one and never saw a soldier.
  8. This was done to my kids when they were sick (in addition to giving regular medicine), I did not object as no obvious harm done, nor did I consider myself or my kids "lowered" in any way. It apparently, to answer the OP's question, draws out the heat of a fever and cools down the body. But I think it has multiple uses.
    Obviously you received a different interpretation of the use of the herbs. My belief is that they put it on to harden up the 2 soft areas on a baby's head called 'Fontanel's'. Any educated farang that believes that this practice is possible with herbs, is lowering himself to medieval Thai practices.

    'HarryHerb' the OP was asking about "newborn", not kids. I assume your "kids" are not "newborn".

  9. I am not that young actualy !!!

    I Love Thailand. :)

    Don't be shy 'PG'. I'm 56 and have no regrets revealing it. If you indicate your age, it gives an idea as to the governments you've had to endure.
  10. For me the UK went down hill post late '60s. I did 12 years in the Army and felt that what I'd contributed to my home land wasn't worth the effort. I always had an urge to move to Aus, having been there. Given the oppertunity to retire early, I took it. Thailand was my start point to getting to Aus, but like most best made plans, it never worked and I never left Thailand. My advice is if you've got 'itchy feet' then move. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  11. I was headed down that rubber tree trail, bough 14 rai for 760,000 and cleared and planted, I water those little babies in the hot and trimmed them in the wet, hoed weeds, drained away water, fed them and replanted almost half of them, then one day a woman came by and offered 1.5 million and I was rubber tree free. My thought was quarter mil a year was to good to pass and I am not slave to the earth. Built 3 guest rooms and didn't look back.

    Good luck with yours and consider draft beer, more convenient and half the price.

    No draft for 140 km [ubon] but you are very right about the price of improved land. Said to the father in-law last month that with the price of rubber being so bad we may have to sell the 50 rai plantation [charnote] He told me if I were to sell with the little factory. 10 Rai no problem 30,000,000. Of course being a greedy man I have decided to hold out until next year and see how things go. JIM

    Have you got your sums right ?
  12. Hi,

    My wife says that when our baby is born, they will put some herby-paste onto the baby's head, especially where the bones haven't fused yet....

    What are the herbs used?

    Are there really any benefits to this, or just an old wive's tale?Any comments welcome. thanks :)

    Don't lower yourself to the Thai ways. Of course there's no benefit. I've got 3 children. My wife says it's a very old wives tale that is rarely practiced. I wont say anymore as I may insult your intelligence. Sorry you asked for "any comments".


    Someone broke into your house and entered your bedroom, which made you decide to arm yourself for protection. Hmmm, well to me, that doesn't sound like a peaceful area.
    If you go through the previous threads you will find that I never mentioned once that I 'decided to arm myself for protection'. I was once given a gun by a policeman. I never said I took it. We currently have a gun in the house, but it's not a defensive weapon. It's a rifle that I use for target shooting. I have never indicated, or said, that I have a gun to defend my property. You're in too much of a hurry 'rixalex', in trying to make someone look stupid. Slow down, check your facts, and then you won't make yourself to be as dumb as you appear.

    I've just checked as to where you live, Bangkok. So Bangkok is a safer place to live than rural Isaan ? I'll bear it in mind if I have to move. Thanks


    I hope you never get turned over, but if you did I'm sure you'd act within the law ?

    Thanks for your concern mate but i can assure you it's not needed. I choose to live in a safe environment and don't live in fear of bedroom intruders. Of course you'll tell me that nowhere is completely safe and you'd be right, but then driving a car isn't completely safe but we all do it - it's what you call a calculated risk.

    Coventry, if you put your safety and that of your family first, why haven't you moved somewhere safer?

    'Rixalex' you answered your question yourself "nowhere is completely safe". I actually do live in a peaceful rural Isaan village. The thing is that the burglars don't burgle in their own area, they move around. If they just stayed in their own area they'd over fish the waters, so to speak. Plus the police would know where to find them.
  13. I have 2 sons aged 33 & 31. I have now a daughter aged 18 months and twins, boy/girl, aged 4 weeks. Okay I'm a man, but what does it matter that your G/F has a daughter ? I can't see a problem. What do you want at her age ? A virgin ? That isn't meant to offend.

    Whether it's her sister or her daughter a DNA test will prove nothing to your advantage.

    Would he be wrong for wanting his potentially future Wife to just tell the truth about something as important as " Have you got any Children " ??

    Not too much to ask really i don't think & it wouldn't be a bad start for a Relationship really... :D

    & i suppose telling a lie about something like that would hopefully lead you NOT to marry that specific Woman OP... :)

    Show me one Thai that is completely honest and I'll call them a liar. Lies are second nature.
  14. He's the best thing to happen to Thailand in the past 20 years or more.

    Thailand needs a type A personality in charge, not a wet tissue.

    Even if it means changing Thai law to enhance his wealth ? A case of stealing from his kin folk to better himself and his family.
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