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Posts posted by coventry

  1. Thanx for the suport guys.

    I'll just try to keep it in the day.

    I walked for miles and miles today with my son, it helped take my mind off the booze.

    It's a hard one isn't it?

    But I didn't drink today and that means everything to me.

    I was like that in depression. I used to walk miles to entertain myself and at the end of the journey I couldn't remember where I'd walked.

    Don't give up, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It just takes time to get there.

  2. An American told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. So why should we believe what an American tells us now ?

    That was probably the lamest anti-American jab I have read all week.

    Do I win anything ? Maybe a weeks free water boarding at Guantanamo Bay ? Sorry you yanks don't do that. Can I pilot a drone and wipe out a wedding reception in Afghanistan ? The choice is endless.

    And you WIN AGAIN! Are you gonna go for a THREEPEAT?

    Nah I give up. Just like those Cuban regular soldiers that were supposed to be in Granada.
  3. An American told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. So why should we believe what an American tells us now ?

    That was probably the lamest anti-American jab I have read all week.

    Do I win anything ? Maybe a weeks free water boarding at Guantanamo Bay ? Sorry you yanks don't do that. Can I pilot a drone and wipe out a wedding reception in Afghanistan ? The choice is endless.
  4. I believe that only a hair is needed for a DNA test and I'm sure Thai labs will not ask for written permission from the recipiant.
    A DNA test will not prove that it's her daughter. It will only prove that they are related ie sisters or any family member. They cannot define the daughter to be hers. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. I have 2 sons aged 33 & 31. I have now a daughter aged 18 months and twins, boy/girl, aged 4 weeks. Okay I'm a man, but what does it matter that your G/F has a daughter ? I can't see a problem. What do you want at her age ? A virgin ? That isn't meant to offend.

    Whether it's her sister or her daughter a DNA test will prove nothing to your advantage.


    It's criminals who bring guns into our communities, are they bound by laws ? Yes they are, but they choose to ignor them, so why must I be restricted ? They aren't.

    :D You are joking right?!!! Criminals ignore the laws so we should all have the right to do the same??!!!

    Thanks for the chuckle. :)

    You may chuckle 'rixalex', but when I got burgled the first time, the guy was in our bedroom whilst we were asleep. A local cop gave me a hand gun for personal protection, no paper work. He told me that if I was to shoot someone with it, 1500 Baht will sort it out. So no, I'm not joking, and neither was the cop. There isn't a local cop, where I live, that would arrest you for committing an illegal act on someone that was trying to break into your house.

    'Rixalex', in Thailand you have a legal right to remove anyone that steps one foot on your property without permission. And I don't believe there's such a thing as 'minimim force' as per farang countries. Enjoy you chuckle and I hope you never get turned over, but if you did I'm sure you'd act within the law ?

  6. A public will written at the Amphur is the only will, in Thailand, that is uncontestable. So I'm led to believe. I think it is also free.


    Although i am against the public being armed, if laws allow it, these people should at least be trained to this level and maintained at this level by taking frequent refresher courses.
    Who's to say we aren't. There's many gun club and ranges in Thailand. 'Kenai' has said "My wife has learned....." I assume by a competant person". 'rixalex' your assuming.

    Coventry, the point i was making wasn't just in respect to Kenai - it was regarding all gun owners in Thailand. And it also wasn't only concerning the sort of skills you might be able to pick up at a gun club.

    When you are awarded a gun license is there any requirement by law that you be trained both regularly and in skills not only restricted to aiming and shooting, but in terms of the broader sense of dealing with life and death situations? The answer to that is "no", and if people do insist on bringing guns into our communities it should be "yes".

    Do criminals undergo the fine art of gun management ? I suppose not. It's criminals who bring guns into our communities, are they bound by laws ? Yes they are, but they choose to ignor them, so why must I be restricted ? They aren't. Even with the best training one can never be sure that one will act according to how one has been trained.
  7. I had my tunnels done in both hands whilst living in the UK. Neither operation worked. They redone my left hand and found no problem other than the damage was perminent due to all appearing normal. Just because they can operate, doesn't mean they can cure your problem. You'll only know about 1 year post op if it's worked. Good luck.


    Although i am against the public being armed, if laws allow it, these people should at least be trained to this level and maintained at this level by taking frequent refresher courses.
    Who's to say we aren't. There's many gun club and ranges in Thailand. 'Kenai' has said "My wife has learned....." I assume by a competant person". 'rixalex' your assuming.
  8. The document was the result of a court ruling in Australia that was pertinent to the case.

    My legal counsel advised me the court requested the documents and stipulated what was required. One of the stipulations for acceptance in court was the document be notarized under the Hague convention.

    Sorry 'Farma', I really wasn't asking for personal information even though it may prove beneficiary. I was looking more to a debateable thing ie 'is a notary in Thailand legal in a country that is a signatory to 'The Hague Convention' ? Thailand being a non signatory. Is there a lawyer in the house ? The other way round isn't really a problem.
  9. I'm more than likely wrong, but I've just been reading up on 'The Hague Convention', and I'm puzzled about one part. We all know, or do we, that Thailand isn't a signatory to the said agreement. From my reading it comes over that a notary that signs a document in a non signatory country is not recognised legally in a country that is a signatory. If so, and I'm requested by someone in my home country for a notary copy of a document, is the Thai notary legal ? Or have I had too many Archa tonight ?


    I cannot imagine what its like living in a place, with feelings like you two have.

    I would rather move and have peace than start the 'mine is bigger than your's' game.

    I am very sorry for you & Chok Dee


    I have a gun in the house. We've been burgled twice, once when we were in bed. It makes the wife feel secure, even though it's not a defencive weapon, so I'm happy. The gun we have is a Czech bolt action rifle and I use it for target shooting and the odd chicken.

    D t D, please say where you would move to, where armed Thai burglars don't go, as I'd move there. Crime isn't centered on one particular place, it's universal.


    Hi Joe

    Not at all, but as I said previously its ILLEGAL for a ferang to own a gun in this country we chose to live in.

    Police bad people :) No! but you pay peanuts and get monkeys.



    A farang can own a gun if he becomes a resident.
  10. Another stumbling block for me personally is knowing an appropriate countersignatory in Thailand, which would be easy enough in the UK.


    Any old farang will do in Thailand. For my daughters initial passport I just got a friend to sign, the application, and put his occupation as retired, even though he wasn't. For renewing my passport, I did the same, but with a different friend. In neither case were they contacted to check their authentity.
  11. Don't shoot the messenger. I’m just passing on what happens in our area between Thais. Whether it’s legal or not doesn’t matter. It seems to work and is an accepted agreement amongst the locals. Notice I mention these are Thai/Thai loans.

    All I can say to a farang who lends to a Thai and doesn’t do his homework beforehand is, why would you do it? Personally I very rarely do it and only under exceptional circumstances.

    Can’t help the OP as I’ve only dealt with one lawyer in Khon Kaen area and I wouldn’t recommend him.

    Sorry if you took me wrong 'Farma'. My loan was between Thais, my wife and the defaulter. The defaulter made out IOU's to my wife and defaulted to my wife. There's a big stink up in our village at the moment due to a Thai defaulting to another Thai, with police and lawyers involved. So it's not just a farang thing and seems a regular occurance all round.

    And I'm sorry to say that 'Prakonchai Nick' is wrong thinking "the farang will become directly involved" will scare the local shitless. I am involved and they haven't shit yet even with lawyers letters and police intervention. If they haven't got the means to pay you back then there's not a lot one can do about it. Full stop.

  12. The standard practice around my wife’s village is for the lender to have use of the debtors land and keep the profits until the loan is repaid.
    If it was legally possible I would be doing that, as it's been nearly 4 years since I was defaulted on. I brought this up with my lawyer, regarding using the land whilst waiting for my repayment, and was told that the land belongs to the people on the title deeds. Until that name is change officially/legally then they still own it, and can farm it. Just because you have the papers, with someone elses name on it, plus they owe you money, doesn't entitle you to just walk on to the land and start farming. If I'm wrong, then please correct me.
  13. She has stopped more than a year ago to pay the loan back, but she and her family are still cultivating rice on the land every year.
    That's the unfortunate thing in having the defaulters land papers, in that they can still farm the land without your permission. Basically life hasn't changed for them, other than they can't use the land papers to borrow against.
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