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Posts posted by coventry

  1. Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles!
    "Stick & stones may break my bone but names will never hurt me" <deleted> them. Good luck 'glasshock' I hope you and your wife have made a wise choice. Do me a favour and put some shit concrete in the project your on. Do they do a 'slump' test in Thailand ?
  2. What about the fact it is your home?Why should you have to leave because the dog and pony show that calls itself the Government has year after year stifled your sense of being a freeborn Briton in your own home? Why are so many of us alienated? Why should we be?
    I didn't ask to be born in the UK it just happens to be my place of birth, nothing more. I served in the forces and what did the UK give me for that ? Basically nothing other than the knowledge I'd wasted 12 years. No sorry the UK is not a place I would return to. But that doesn't mean I'd put the OP off of going there, his choice good luck.
  3. Take it to a dealer. Have a price in your mind what you think it's worth and go a little above it. Refuse what he offers you. You will then get calls from him asking if he can bring other people round to look at it. He will accompany them as I assume he'll be getting a back hander from the buyer. The selling point seems to be how much discount you'll give hence why you ask too much. I went through this senario but I wouldn't give the discount. I didn't sell the car until I upped the asking price and then gave discount back to my original price. Thais like discount as most people do.

    A Thai will probably use a finance company for the money so they will send an agent around to photograph the car. They don't give a toot about the cars value. They just want a photo and a look at the car documents. About 5 days later they will pay you, not the buyer. They will keep the car documents until the finance has been paid off. That's my story about selling a car in Thailand, I'm sure others have done it differently.

  4. When I did this a couple of months ago the amphur local to the hospital (not the amphur where we live) also required a translated copy of my passport.
    I've registered 3 children and never had to show a translated copy of my passport for any of them.
  5. Don't do anything before the birth. Don't rush anything after the birth. Your G/F will know what to do about registering the birth in Thailand. As long as you are named as the father on the birth certificate the child will be entitled to a UK passport, no rush. Passport can be obtained by post from Embassy. I personally never got my children UK birth certificates. A birth certificate isn't proof of nationality, a passport is. Just get the passport. Relax 'bannerman' you have 2 months to read all the threads concerning your plight, happy reading.

    PS, To get all the benefits you have as a British national the child would need to live in the UK. Outside of that he/she won't get much.

  6. this is not by me. i found that on the web and it looked interesting . i think that guy might had a hard time in Thailand without understanding how Thais behave or vice-a-versa http:// whythaipeopleactstupid . blogspot . com .... <H2 class=date-header>Thursday, May 28, 2009</H2><H3 class="post-title entry-title"><A href="http://whythaipeopleactstupid.blogspot.com/2009/05/why-thai-people-are-stupid.html">Why Thai people are stupid ..... ? </H3>Been to Thailand and found Thai people are most stupid people on earth. They see a foreigner and start calling names like 'hey you ..., farang, baang, heya etc' . Interestingly i found out from a Indian man that in Indian language baang means thief, a Muslim butcher , a pick-pockter, a low worker and a useless filth.. Now i dont understand why Thais have to call names to foriegners cant they respect us by calling Mr. / Miss or Khun (means mr./miss in Thai language).
    I found the original site the OP is refering to. The question was posted by a person called 'Singh'. As to date he's had one reply and that didn't come from an interlectual. Anyway I personally don't like being called a 'farang', I have an identity and a name. The same goes for my children. I dislike it when they're called 'farang'. My wife has even been asked where their mother is ? Thinking her as the 'Nanny'. That really cuts her up. Thais are just "plain ignorant". My wife's words.
  7. I asked my wife the question and she came back with 2 answers. Her figure was 15,000 per month. Then she said "a Thai man would see her as a gold mine and would soon latch on". The OP should then "cut the money by half". I now know how I stand if things go pear shape for me. Thanks for the original question.

  8. I had night sweats for years with no apparent cause. Due to having no medical problems I was told to just live with it, even though I had to get up in the night to towel dry myself. I would say I suffered for 20 years or more before it stopped on it's own accord. I suffered no ill affects other that tiredness due to waking up to dry myself during the night.

  9. A child has human rights too. When a child is taken away against his will, his human rights are violated too. That can be reason for a court to appoint a special counsel who will act on behalf of the child and petition the court to take (emergency) action.

    Kidnap a child who wants to stay with his parent in thailand to a EU member state and the child will have legal options itself through a special counsil and the older the child the less likely it is that a court won't return the child within a few days to Thailand.

    As far as my reading has it, the only right a child has in Thailand is to receive medical treatment and medicine. "When a child is taken away against his will, his human rights are violated too." That may be right in your eyes, and other peoples, but legally in Thailand it's not against the law, so the childs rights haven't been violated.
  10. No the week-ends seem no different to any other day. Okay the kids may not be at school but they're usually on holiday when it's not the w/e anyway. They have incredabley long school holidays here in Thailand. Me and my wife personally, struggle to find a spare minute in the day. Always something to do if you put your mind to it.

  11. Judges don't like it when people take matters in their own hands.

    Another point is the age of the child. People often forget that children have (human)rights too. Taking a child away from a parent by the other parent against its will can violate the childs rights.

    I think the information you gave is wrong about "children have (human) rights too". I assume you talk about Thai children ?

    "Parental Kidnapping is not a crime in Thailand and Thai authorities will not issue a warrent or become involved should one parent take a child without the other parent's consent". I agree with Torrenova. Just remove the child from Thailand, "child kidnapping" isn't a criminal offence.

  12. but i fail to see how this effects you and your family.

    Because the majority of people that live in Thailand don't live in Bkk. Therefore they have the right to seek out the cheapest option available to them, and if I can do that for them, then I feel I've contributed. Have a nice day Mjo.

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