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Everything posted by BusNo8

  1. 15 16 yo are young adults. Certainly not children. FifTEEN, sixTEEN. Technically, all are according to report a actually older than 15 but none as old as 17. So, perhaps a few a year shy of legal adult in Thailand. Isn't the age of consent in Thailand outside prostitution 16? Maybe 15? No issue with the intervention, but those women are not children. At 16 I was driving all around southern California, Mexico. Had full time job in summer, pt during HS. Probably ran thru a dozen gf by 17th bd.
  2. I had SSO insurance prior to working at the private school. The school continued to make contributions out of my salary for 5 years.
  3. I understand clearly I am just bemused at the gay Thai Wife stamp bc of all it's complications for the gay woke Treated equally. What a laff. If you expect to be treated equally in this country you might as well just leave now. We are discriminated against daily both socially and in law. It might be a best to accept the reality on its own terms
  4. Please go file your complaint with the Thai government. Here you're just moaning Thailand should explore homosexual divorce stats before it troubles itself. Especially those of the lesbian ilk
  5. What are you on about here? You are absolutely dead wrong regardless of your understanding of English. What you clearly do not comprehend is Thai Immigration's use of English. Like everything else government related - This has absolutely nothing to do with how we might dis/agree with that. For nearly a decade and a half Thai wife has been stamped in my passport. Period I was simply having a laugh at homosexual stupidity and it's fetish with contorting language to make itself feel less/ no shame. Trouble is things outside Anglo countries are out of their control. So, the farang, top gay man gets stamp THAI WIFE. That tranny F2M gets THAI WIFE
  6. You did see that I had written PRACTICALLY ALL correct?
  7. Odd bc what's been stamped in my passport for the last decade and a half THAI WIFE Maybe they have a she/her/hym/it/they/we/zhir/zee/zipadeedoodah stamp? Dunno What if the male homosexual obtaining the extension is the top / dom / man - is he now the bit*h by law? If Immigration catches wind of US homosexual marriage stats it might be doomed before it starts.. oh and please when immigration nitpicks no public temper tantrums
  8. Can't wait to see male passports stamped THAI WIFE 😁😜😆😂
  9. Easier for female to gain visa, citizenship for all Chinese bringing women into Thailand to be wives and especially mothers Brokie farang ain't getting that treatment. Ridiculous to even think
  10. The discussion was not about homosexuals but glad to see you twist it in that direction.
  11. The real issue imo with Filipino teachers is the Bee-sai-yan accents and inability to teach writing. Other than that they are far more attentive and responsible. I see their salaries starting to break into the 30k range. English often have similar issues with accent. I've known students complain they couldn't understand NES. Almost no one these days can teach writing - composition, adv comp, organization, structure, style, etc. They are so vapid they can't even teach with assistance from LLMs. Here's another worksheet class. When your done just put it in the pile that I won't look at but just give a completion grade. I'll just be hanging out in class messaging middle aged hookers on Line for ego boost. It took me two years of wife's prodding to begin teaching due to all the nonsense I'd heard about foreign teachers. I'd say those rumors and stories were 100 percent correct. There's little or no teaching of anything, certainly in a manner that elicits learning. Students must sit for hours while their good time is wasted. As a former HoD / admin once said to me: Pity the students #8, pity the students..
  12. I was able to continue to pay into SSO while working at a private school. I'm not so certain this was a good idea. Seems to he catch 22 actually getting onto the SSO proper. One requirement is name in a house book and Thai ID. Call center said I could perhaps use passport in lieu of Thai ID. House book is an issue. I will learn more today
  13. May I ask what these thousands of teachers bring to their jobs ? After years of watching the childish antics I'd say absolutely nothing. 80% of teachers in Thailand act like teenagers working their first job. Thailand is no better off with fake foreign teachers. Onet clearly spell this out. We see students with a decade of English classes but cannot hold a conversation. Can no longer blame Thailand or the system. 36k to start is great pay for this lot.
  14. BusNo8

    About thai food

    My advice to people that don't eat spicy food is to say - not spicy! They'll understand. You can try the Thai - mai pidt krap. Levels of spiciness is BS. They cook is just the cook and each understands what low mid high spiciness is - to them. Additionally, you have an individual level of heat you understand. It's never going to be the same. It can't be. Yesterday, my wife and I ordered bowls she ordered me 3* and her 5*. Mine was barely edible and enjoyable. She said hers was actually almost too spicy. Which I never, ever hear from her. I order very spicy at food court Central Lat Phrao a special hawker doing only kra pow and it's very meh in regards to heat. I order in Thai as well. Still, it's mid. Don't try to be cool - just order what you can eat and enjoy. The best way if you can and do like a bit of spice is to understand how many medium sized chills you can suffer and tell the cook that.
  15. Like the climate change hoaxers. Hijacked by new industries to shift wealth. You don't need meat - eat this synthetic meat. You don't need oil here's *renewable energy* A dozen hot wars around the world. Millions in starvation and misery and look what THEY want YOU to be distracted by and redirect your hard earned money from to. It's all a smokescreen.
  16. I'd get him a vasectomy and buy him case of condoms for STDs.
  17. I've seen it in Bangkok in fact on sale I think b58-60 can. Still too expensive for that.
  18. Yes, but also wasting your life chasing down food that is bad for your health - just like home 😉
  19. Have a source online? Wife bought some powered milk. Decidedly average and more expensive. YOK?
  20. Lol. Practically all milk in Thailand derived from powder. Valid question. Why is powdered milk so expensive.
  21. BusNo8

    About thai food

    Chinese for the record
  22. BusNo8

    About thai food

    Tasteless lol. Thai food is loved for it's bold, multidimensional flavor. This was posted by yet another farang that can't eat spicy food AND rice. It was liked by the same.
  23. Ties your phone number which could easily be traced to your name, ID to your email accounts. Sign up for email? Give your phone#. Many devices using bt now require location as well. Same rubbish.
  24. Reload OS including a reformat within the setup.
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